RSS Feeds

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Scan New England RSS Feeds

An RSS feed is a method of posting new and updated content that can be read through many popular email applications and web content engines. They allow for a user to see changes made to a site's content with a quick glance. Scan New England currently provides RSS feeds of new content on the message board, Incident Notification forum, and the Wiki.

What Is RSS and How Can I Use It?

RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication and is a formate that allows content to be published in "feeds". These feeds can be read by many popular email clients and web content engines. RSS allows a user to easily view changes or additions to a website, see news and information published by a website, and to be able to do so without having to navigate through multiple websites.

If you would like to view RSS feeds you will need a piece of software or a web service that will fetch the feeds for you. This is a list of software and services that will fetch RSS feeds for you.

RSS Clients

Email Clients Stand Alone Clients Web Based Applications Web Browsers
Mozilla Thunderbird Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Outlook iGoogle]
Yahoo Mail* RSS Reader myAOL]
Gmail* FeedReader
  • Yahoo Mail and Gmail are web based email clients that can handle RSS feeds.

What RSS Feeds Are Available?

  • Scan Massachusetts currently offers two RSS feeds

Wiki Updates

Message Board