Vermont Colleges

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Bennington College, Bennington

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
Maintenance 151.6550 S 110.9 FCC License 2020.08.25 W1KNE
152.4500 R ? FCC License
159.6450 S ? FCC License
461.7500 S ? FCC License (Paging and Voice)

Castleton University, Castleton

  • Former Radio Station: WIUV 91.3 (Licensed deleted 2019)
Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
Maintenance 453.2750 R 146.2 2016.07.12 krone1972

Champlain College, Burlington

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
452.3625 R ? FCC License (Likely Paging)
453.0125 R ? FCC License (Likely Paging)

Community College Vermont

  • Bennington, Brattleboro, Middlebury, Montpelier, Morrisville, Newport, Rutland, Springfield, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Jct, Winooski
  • No FCC Licenses

Goddard Collage, Plainfield

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
452.2375 R ? FCC License (Expired)

Landmark College, Putney

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
159.5250 R ? FCC License
160.0200 R ? FCC License

Middlebury College, Middlebury

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
Security 464.8250 R D311 2022.08.16 W1KNE
Facilities 452.1250 R D311 2022.08.16 W1KNE
Maintenance 461.4000 R D311 2022.08.16 W1KNE
154.5400 R ? FCC License
157.5600 S ? FCC License
158.3475 S ? FCC License
159.6600 S ? FCC License
159.7050 S ? FCC License
159.8925 S ? FCC License
451.3250 S ? FCC License
451.5000 S ? FCC License
451.8750 S ? FCC License
451.9250 S ? FCC License
464.4750 S ? FCC License

Northern Vermont University, Johnson/Lyndon

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
453.3250 R ? FCC License (Security)
464.3250 R ? FCC License

Norwich Univesity, Northfield

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
Norwich University 152.3150 S
Norwich University 152.3375 R
Norwich University 152.4575 R
Norwich University 154.5150 S
Norwich University 154.5400 S
Norwich University 157.5750 S 206.5 Ski Team 2012.03.25 cmpsa
Norwich University 157.6050 S
Norwich University 157.6350 S
Norwich University 157.6650 S

St. Michael's College, Colchester

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
Campus Police 462.2250 R D223 2022.08.19 W1KNE
Campus Fire/EMS 453.2000 R D243 EMS also supports mutual aid 2022.08.16 W1KNE
Campus Fire/EMS 150.9650 R D243 Cross Patched to 453.2000 2022.08.16 W1KNE
Campus Fire 453.9000 R 127.3 Fireground
Campus EMS 150.9500 S 179.9 Ambulance 2014.08.02 cmpsa
Former Campus Police 461.7250 R D243 Likely no longer used 2012.04.13 ecps92
Unknown Use 461.5000 R D243 2012.04.14 ecps92

University of Vermont, Burlington

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
University of Vermont Police Services 453.0500 R N656 Fully Encrypted 2023.04.23 sawyer100 (SNE Submitter)
University of Vermont Police Services 465.3125 S FCC License
Athletics 453.2750 R 151.4 2023.04.23 sawyer100 (SNE Submitter)
Shuttles 453.4125 R D065 2015.03.25 Krone
Shuttles/Events 453.3250 R 97.4 2012.04.14
Rescue/EMS 463.6750 R D311 Dispatch 2023.04.23 sawyer100 (SNE Submitter)
Rescue Squad 155.2950 S 162.2 Expired license 2014.08.02 cmpsa
151.6850 S FCC License
151.8350 S FCC License
451.3500 S FCC License
451.4000 S FCC License
461.2625 S FCC License
462.9125 S FCC License
463.5500 R FCC License
464.3750 R FCC License
464.6125 R FCC License
464.7750 R FCC License
466.0375 S FCC License
467.1750 S FCC License

Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
452.4125 S ? FCC License
457.3125 S ? FCC License
457.4125 S ? FCC License

Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
150.9350 R ? FCC License
150.9725 R ? FCC License