Strafford County Fire Departments

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Countywide Information

  • 151.4375 is shared by Farmington, New Durham, Middleton, and Milton.
  • Strafford is dispatched by Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid (LRMFA)
  • UNH Fire Alarm Durham repeater 154.6575 and Barrington repeater 156.1050 are linked together.
  • Durham Fire doesn't routinely use the Fire Alarm radio system, they are dispatched by the County Sheriff on 154.4150.
  • V FIRE-21 (154.2800 156.7 Hz) is a common fireground/operations frequency.
  • New Hampshire Fire Tone Outs

Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid

See Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid

Department Frequency Information

Department Frequency Type Tone Unit ID's Disp Notes Confirmation/ReConfirmation
Barrington 156.1050 R D131 10 Disp. By UNH 2023.07.15 MASSBUSMARK
Barrington 155.8200 S 136.5 10 Town local 2018.03.27 schwab
Dover 154.2950 R N117 Operations 2023.08.20 pdurf
Durham 154.4150 R 229.1 Disp by Strafford Co 2023.09.08 ecps92
Durham 152.0075 S 229.1 Simulcast of 154.4150 2023.08.31 pdurf
Farmington 151.4375 R 210.7 85 Disp by Strafford County 2023.11.09 pdurf
Farmington 154.3700 R D723 85 Local Ops 2022.04.29 schwab
Lee 154.6575 R D131 28 Disp by UNH Fire Alarm primary 2023.09.06 pdurf
Lee 156.1350 S 71.9 28 Tac 6 Lee FG 2016.01.20 schwab and friends
Madbury 154.6575 R D131 29 Disp by UNH Fire Alarm primary 2023.11.10 pdurf
Madbury 155.9775 S D131 29 Tac 7 Madbury FG 2016.01.20 schwab and friends
Middleton 151.4375 R 210.7 55 Disp by Strafford County 2023.08.20 pdurf
Milton 151.4375 R 210.7 18 Disp by Strafford County 2024.01.10 schwab
Milton 154.3250 R 136.5 18 Depreciated 2024.01.10 schwab
Milton 151.4150 R N343 18 Local Ops, other NACs used 2020.12.06 schwab
New Durham 151.4375 R 210.7 Disp by Strafford County 2023.11.09 pdurf
Rochester 154.9800 R N117 Disp by Self 2024.01.10 schwab
Rollinsford 155.0625 R 156.7 51 Disp. by Dover Primary Ops 2024.01.10 schwab
Rollinsford 154.1075 R 156.7 51 Local Town Operations 2024.01.10 schwab
Somersworth 154.3850 R D732 Self dispatch 2023.09.06 pdurf
Strafford 159.9000 S 210.7 25 Disp by LRMFA See Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid
Strafford 154.2050 S 136.5 25 Local Ops 2013.11.16 LTE4NFD