Rutland County VT EMS

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Town Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Brandon Area Rescue 155.2050 S 131.8 2019.06.14 sawyer100
Fair Haven Rescue Squad 155.1600 S 67.0 2022.09.25 MASSBUSMARK
Regional Ambulance Service Inc (Rutland) 154.5400 D051 Ch.03 Operations 2019.06.14 sawyer100
Rutland Regional Medical Center (Rutland) 155.3400 S 131.8 Amb-Hospital 2019.06.14 sawyer100
Rutland Regional Medical Center (Rutland) 155.2800 S 233.6 Dispatch 2019.06.14 sawyer100
VT (Statewide) 155.3400 S Ch1 Primary "HEAR"
VT (Statewide) 155.2800 S Ch.02 Secondary (Dispatch Ops)