Rockingham County Municipal & Utilities

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Public Works and Utilities

Community Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Brentwood Public Works 158.7750 S D251 2019.02.21 JBolduc
Candia Town Local 154.6250 R 79.7 Police/Fire/Hwy shared 2015.12.31 schwab
Chester Highway Department 153.4475 R 151.4 2025.01.20 LTE4NFD
Deerfield Public Works 159.1350 S 100.0 2022.01.15 LTE4NFD
Derry DPW, Highway and Landfill 453.3750 R 103.5 2021.03.23 W1KNE
Epping Public Works 155.6100 R C01 SL:1 TG:1 - Operations 2025.01.20 LTE4NFD
Exeter Public Works 155.1150 R 103.5 2025.01.20 LTE4NFD
Greenland Public Works 155.8950 S 136.5 also Shared with PD/FD 2017.02.09 LTE4NFD
Hampton Highway Department 155.7450 R D311 2025.01.20 LTE4NFD
Kingston Public Works 154.0400 S 136.5 Town Plows 2011.01.12 wbye30
Londonderry Public Works 158.7975 R 136.5 2023.03.05 TheDoza79
Londonderry Public Works 156.1650 S 136.5 also PD secondary - rare 2020.06.16 JBolduc
Londonderry Bldg Insp 156.1650 151.4 2007.07.02
Newmarket Public Works 159.6750 S 136.5 2025.01.20 LTE4NFD
Newington Public Works 154.1150 S 136.5 KZR473 (expired) 2022.01.30 LTE4NFD
Newton Public Works 151.1600 R D723 Highway Dept 2025.01.20 LTE4NFD
North Hampton Highway Department 156.2250 S 136.5 Shared with Fire Dept 2025.01.20 LTE4NFD
Northwood Highway Department 154.7850 S 136.5 KNCP845 2018.03.27 LTE4NFD
Nottingham Public Works 156.1350 R 203.5 2024.01.16 LTE4NFD
Plaistow Highway Department 154.2325 S 127.3 2008.03.22 TheDoza79
Portsmouth Public Works 155.7150 S 136.5 2025.01.13 schwab
Portsmouth Sewer Department 152.9125 R C07 SL:1 TG:701 2024.12.09 LTE4NFD
Raymond Public Works 45.5200 S 136.5 2022.03.09 JBolduc
Raymond Emergency Management 154.1900 S 136.5 Pager Tones 2017.06.07 JBolduc
Rye Highway Department 156.2400 S 94.8 2025.01.20 LTE4NFD
Salem Highway Department 151.0400 R 97.4 2024.01.16 LTE4NFD
Salem Highway Department 153.8000 S 97.4 2020.02.13 W1KNE
Sandown Highway Department 155.0400 S 141.3 Town local 2020.12.17 LTE4NFD
Seabrook Public Works and Emergency Management 155.1450 136.5 2010.10.22
Stratham Public Works 154.0850 S 136.5 2025.01.20 LTE4NFD
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport MHT 151.7300 R D031 Plowing/Sanding 2021.01.27 JBolduc
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport MHT 152.4200 R D026 Wildlife Patrols / Plow Ops 2023.09.03 granitescanner
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport MHT 152.4650 R
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport MHT 153.2750 S D565 Snowblowers and Shoveling 2020.12.17 JBolduc
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport MHT Granite 1 153.7400 R D351 Operations 1 2012.02.27
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport MHT 155.7075 R D351 Security 2024.12.26 GraniteScanner
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport MHT 158.3400 S D331 Taxiway Ops 2012.01.29
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport MHT Granite 2 158.7300 S D624 Operations 2 2012.01.29
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport MHT Granite 3 152.3750 R N307 Law Enforcement Office 2024.12.26 GraniteScanner
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport 155.0475 S D506 Patch from VHF Air - Tower (124.9000 AM) 2024.12.21 GraniteScanner
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport 158.9775 S D503 Patch from VHF Air - Ground (121.3000 AM) 2024.12.21 GraniteScanner
Pease Development Authority Airport Authority 151.4750 R D431 Ch.01 Operations Rpt 2025.01.13 schwab
Pease Development Authority Airport Aithority 155.8350 S D431 Ch.02 Operations 2025.01.13 schwab

Public Schools

Community/School District Department Frequency Type Tone Comments Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Atkinson First Student Bus Co 155.2350 S D734 2017.02.16 JBolduc
Derry School Department 453.8000 R C01 SL:1 TG:100 - First Student-Derry School Bus / Pinkerton Academy Bus Ops 2024.03.29 MASSBUSMARK
Derry School Department 453.8000 R C01 SL:2 TG:200 - First Student-Chester School Bus Ops 2024.03.29 MASSBUSMARK
Hampstead First Student Bus Co 155.2350 S D734 2017.02.16 JBolduc
Londonderry School Department 451.2375 S D445 South Elementary School 2020.09.14 JBolduc
Londonderry School Department 451.7375 S D445 Matthew Thornton Elementary School 2020.09.14 JBolduc
Londonderry School Department 452.1125 S D445 Matthew Thornton Elementary School 2017.02.16 JBolduc
Londonderry School Department 452.1875 S D445 North Elementary School 2020.09.14 JBolduc
Londonderry School Department 452.6375 S D445 Middle School 2020.09.14 JBolduc
Plaistow First Student Bus Co 155.2350 S D734 2017.02.16 JBolduc
Seabrook School District 464.6750 R 156.7 Maintenance 2022.01.12 JBolduc
Windham School Department 152.2700 R 114.8 Center School Ops 2016.10.25 W1KNE
Windham School Department 152.4200 R 114.8 Golden Brook Ops 2016.10.25 W1KNE
Windham School Department 152.4500 R 114.8 High School Ops 2016.10.25 W1KNE
Windham School Department 152.9900 R 114.8 High School Maintenance 2021.02.08 JBolduc
Windham School Department 154.4825 R 114.8 Middle School Ops 2016.10.25 W1KNE