Penobscot County Fire Departments

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PRCC Countywide Frequency Information

  • PRCC = Penobscot Regional Communications Center
  • Bangor does not use PRCC for dispatching
    • COM 2 for towns North and East of Rt 15
    • Carmel, Etna, Hermon, Levant, Newburgh and Stetson are now dispatched on COM 3 for towns South and West of Rt 15

Most of the departments use a two digit town/city code plus a 1 or 2 digit unit code.
Apparatus is assigned numbers as follows:

    1=Engine          7=Utility
    2=Engine          8=Rescue/Ambulance  
    3=Engine          9=Ambulance
    4=Tanker         10=
    5=Ladder/Aerial  11=
    6=Brush          12= 

As an example, 301 is a Brewer Engine. 364 is a Tanker from Orrington. 309 is a Brewer Ambulance.

Officers/members are identified in two ways. Most use a four digit code that is their town/city ID plus a two digit within town/city ID, such as 2401, 2404, etc.
Some identify as town/city name plus a within town/city ID, for example Mattawamkeag 12.

Table of contents -
Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
153.7400 R CSQ/107.2 Charleston Repeater (COM 2) 2021.10.02 HigginsComm
153.7400 R 136.5 Dexter Repeater (COM 2)
153.7400 R 100.0 Dixmont Repeater (COM 2) 2016.06.09 ME343
153.7400 R 114.8 Eddington Repeater (COM 2)
153.7400 R 94.8 Lincoln Repeater (COM 2) 2020.07.01 HornSmoke
153.7400 R 77.0 Patten Repeater (COM 2) 2024.03.15 schwab
153.7400 R 192.8 Picard Repeater (COM2)
153.7400 R 167.9 Unk Repeater (COM2) 2017.08.01 lte4nfd
153.7400 S ??? Tac
151.4075 R 100.0 Repeaters (COM 3) Fire/EMS Dispatch 2021.10.02 HigginsComm
154.2950 S CSQ County Fire 2019.01.05 FFHam
460.5250 F D172 downlink from 153.7400 2019.01.05 FFHam

Department Frequency Information

Department Frequency Type Tone Unit ID's Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Alton 153.7400 R 60
Bangor 154.2800 R D023 11/12, 14-16 Primary 2021.10.02 HigginsComm
Bangor 154.2200 203.5 Tactical
Bangor 151.2875 R 203.5 Tactical 2 / Events 2012.08.24
Bangor Int'l Airport 149.5500 N293 13 Ops check & radio check usually 0745-0815
Bradford 153.7400 R 107.2 7 2017.08.01 lte4nfd
Bradley 153.7400 R 73
Brewer 154.4150 R 186.2 30 2021.01.19 LTE4NFD
Brewer 154.2650 30-31 Fireground 1
Brewer 155.1450 30-31 Fireground 2
Burlington 18
Carmel 153.7400 R
Charleston 153.7400 R 107.2 63 2017.08.01 lte4nfd
Clifton 154.4150 R 186.2 Eddington covers
Corinna 35
Corinth 153.7400 R 20 Dispatch
Corinth 154.0850 R 20 Fireground 1
Corinth 154.3100 20 Fireground 2
Dexter 47
Dixmont 153.7400 R 48
Dover-Foxcrft 154.2950 R
East Millinocket 155.7750 57 FD/EMS Dispatch/Primary(Self Dispatch)
East Millinocket 153.7400 R 58 EMS Dispatch/Secondary
Eddington 154.4150 R 186.2 32
Eddington 154.2650 ? 32 Fireground 1
Eddington 155.1450 ? 32 Fireground 2
Etna 52
Garland 68
Glenburn 22/23
Greenbush 33
Hampden 155.8800 ? 114.8 27-28 Freq. shared with PD 2021.10.02 HigginsComm
Hermon 154.1300 100.0 40-41 2017.08.01 lte4nfd
Holden 154.4150 R 186.2 39 2017.08.01 lte4nfd
Holden 154.2650 ? 39 Fireground 1
Holden 155.1450 ? 39 Fireground 2
Howland 154.1150 90
Hudson 50
Indian Island 153.8750 43 Penobscot Nation Fire Dept.
Kenduskeag 66
Lagrange 153.7400 R 34
Lagrange 154.3400 R
Lee 70
Levant 153.7400 R 44-45
Lincoln 153.8000 114.8 53
Lincoln 153.7400 R 94.8 Dispatch
Lowell 75
Mattawamkeag 153.7400 R 67
Mattawamkeag 153.8150 67
Mattawamkeaq 154.8300 67
Medway 153.9350 88
Medway 153.7400 R 167.9 88 Dispatch
Milford 80
Millinocket 460.5250 78-79
Mount Chase 64
Newburgh 46/49
Newport 153.7400 R 100.0 69 2013.09.29 W1KNE
Old Town 155.7750 R 136.5 37-38 2014.08.20 LTE4NFD
Orono 155.7750 R 136.5 24-26 2014.08.20 LTE4NFD
Orrington 154.4150 R 186.2 36
Passadumkeag 62
Patten 154.9950 192.8 72
Plymouth 154.1750 65 local Ops
Springfield 87
Stacyville 83
Stetson 154.2500 71 Local Ops
Veazie 153.7400 R 19
Winn 153.7400 R 167.9 2017.08.01 lte4nfd