NH EMS Radio System

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New Hampshire utilizes a common channel plan for accessing hosiptals for incoming patient trnsports and patches. This is done using separate CTCSS (PL) tones for each hospital. When an ambulance needs to call the hospital, they swicth to the channel associated with that hospital and calls them on the given Med Channel. In addition, other channels have been assigned for coordination and tactical uses. Some of the channels, such as Med-3 and Med-5, have rarely seen any use. While Med-1 is widely used and Med-2 is often used. EMS Tac-1 (Med-4) and Tac-2 were established under the new Fire-EMS Grant plan. Tac-2 is designated as the Helo LZ Coordination frequency statewide.

EMS Channels & Frequencies

Frequency Channel Function
155.3400 Med-1 Ambulance-to-Hospital Primary
155.3850 Med-2 Ambulance-to-Hospital Secondary
155.2800 Med-3 Hospital-to-Hospital Coordination (Rarely Used)
155.1750 VEMS02
(Formerly Med-4)
Tactical/Mutual Aid
155.4000 Med-5 Ambulance-to-Hospital Backup
155.3475 VMED29 Medical Helicopter
LZ Coordination (PL-156.7)

Hospital CTCSS Tones

CTCSS Hospital Community Confirmation/Reconfirmations
67.0 Androscoggin Valley Hospital Berlin 2020.09.25 JBolduc
67.0 VA Medical Center Manchester
71.9 Monadnock Community Hospital Peterborough
77.0 Southern NH Regional Medical Center Nashua 2023.01.20 MASSBUSMARK
79.7 Concord RCC Concord Fire Alarm
See NOTE Below
82.5 New London Hospital New London
85.4 Exeter Hospital Exeter 2024.10.20 LTE4NFD
91.5 Catholic Medical Center Manchester
94.8 Lakes Region RCC Lakes Region Mutual Aid
See NOTE Below
100.0 Saint Joseph's Hospital Nashua
100.0 Cottage Hospital Woodsville/Haverhill
103.5 Frisbee Hospital Rochester 2024.10.20 LTE4NFD
107.2 Portsmouth Regional Hospital Portsmouth 2024.10.20 LTE4NFD
110.9 Littleton Hospital Littleton
114.8 Huggins Hospital Wolfeboro 2019.09.01 JBolduc
123.0 Memorial Hospital Conway 2023.09.26 MASSBUSMARK
127.3 Valley Regional Hospital Claremont
131.8 Franklin Regional Hospital Franklin
136.5 Cheshire Medical Center Keene
136.5 Weeks Memorial Hospital Lancaster 2019.10.21 ecps92
141.3 Parkland Medical Center Derry
146.2 Concord Hospital Concord 2024.10.20 LTE4NFD
151.4 Concord Hospital-Laconia (formerly Lakes Region General Hospital) Laconia 2024.09.22 MASSBUSMARK
156.7 Landing Zone Coordination Statewide
167.9 Elliot Hospital Manchester 2020.05.09 Dave2582
173.8 Wentworth-Douglas Hospital Dover 2024.10.20 LTE4NFD
186.2 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Lebanon/Hanover 2021.12.20 JBolduc
203.5 Speare Memorial Hospital Plymouth
  • NOTE: At one time several dispatch centers could act a medical control dispatch for larger incidents. These "RCC" (Radio Communications Center) facilities were typically located in existing Dispatch Centers and could patch ambulances into the hospitals using several channels.
    There are no longer any RCC facilities