Massachusetts Colleges

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American International College, Springfield

Radio Station: WAIC 91.9

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Security 461.1500 R C01 SL:1 TG:1 - Campus Security 2024.03.11 W1KNE

Amherst College

Radio Station: WAMH 89.3

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Security 464.4250 R D703 Security and EMS Paging/Response 2024.09.23 JBP
Operations 452.3750 R D703 Operations 2022.04.04 W1KNE
FCC Licensed 463.5875 R ? ?
FCC Licensed 464.7125 R ? ?

Anna Maria College, Paxton

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Security 151.5950 R 173.8 Security 2024.02.16 W1KNE
Campus Security 152.2700 R C?? Security 2012.08.27 kb1jfr

Assumption College, Worcester

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Police 463.3500 R D411 Police Operations 2024.02.16 W1KNE
Police 452.0500 R D734 Police Old
462.2250 R Need info

Atlantic Union College, Lancaster

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Atlantic Union College MURS area Security

Babson College, Needham-Wellesley

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 462.0750 R 167.9 Babson PD 2025.01.03 W1KNE
464.3750 R D703 Misc Ops from Day Camps to Parking/SEC during BC College Home Games 2023.11.24 ecps92
Center for Executive Education 456.5375 S From FCC License
Center for Executive Education 456.5625 S From FCC License
Center for Executive Education 456.7375 S From FCC License
Center for Executive Education 457.0875 S From FCC License
Center for Executive Education 457.1375 S From FCC License

Baypath College, Longmeadow

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Operations 461.2000 R C14 SL:1 TG:1 - Operations 2020.09.14 aleckrohto (SNE Submitter)

Bentley University, Waltham

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 464.3125 R N293 Police 2025.01.04 W1KNE
Facilities 452.0000 R C01 SL:1 TG:30 - Facilities 2024.01.31 W1KNE
Grounds 452.0000 R C01 SL:2 TG:32 - Grounds and Property 2024.02.13 W1KNE
Maintenance 464.1250 R C01 SL:1 TG:34 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Maintenance 464.1250 R C01 SL:2 TG:36 2021.03.03 ecps92
TBD 462.3500 R

Berklee College of Music, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 464.9250 R C01 SL:1 TG:501 - Police/Public Safety 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Maintenance 452.7000 R 74.4 Maintenance 2011.05.25 ecps92/N1BHH

Berkshire Community College, Pittsfield

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Security 152.9525 R 107.2 Security 2024.08.17 W1KNE
Campus Maintenance 151.9700 R C01 SL:1 TG:1201 - Campus Maintenance/Facilities 2024.03.11 W1KNE
Campus Security 155.8800 R 107.2 Security - Former Main 2012.07.30 W1KNE

Boston College, Newton

Radio Station: WZBC 90.3

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 472.1375 R N365 Police Primary (Fully Encrypted) 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Campus Police 471.8125 R N365 Police Secondary (Fully Encrypted) 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Facilities 483.8625 R 88.5 Facilities Management 2024.01.26 W1KNE
Maintenance 463.8250 R D134 Maintenance 2015.04.09 N1BHH
Maintenance 463.3500 R D115 Maintenance 2024.01.26 W1KNE
Dining Services 472.2625 R C07 SL:1 TG:7707 - Dining Services 2025.01.10 W1KNE
Parking / Transportation 464.5750 R 136.5 Brighton Campus, Public Safety and Eagle Transportation/Parking 2024.01.12 W1KNE
Alumni Stadium/Conte Forum 464.3750 R C07 SL:1 TG:7701 - Team Operations 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Alumni Stadium/Conte Forum 464.3750 R C07 SL:2 TG:7702 - Maintenance 2024.02.23 W1KNE
Facilities 483.8625 R C07 SL:1 TG:7703 - Facilities 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Transportation 483.8875 R C07 SL:1 TG:7706 - Student Transportation 2025.01.16 W1KNE

Boston University

Radio Station: WBUR 90.9

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Police 472.1625 R N671 Police Ch.01 2025.01.09 W1KNE
Police 464.8500 R D143 Police Ch.02 2020.07.07 W1KNE
Facilities 464.2500 R D546 Maintenance - Licensed under S I S Property 2012.02.17 N1BHH
TBD 461.6000 R TBD New License WRML625
Facilities 461.6625 R D546 Maintenance 2014.09.04 N1BHH
Buildings and Grounds 462.0375 R D606 B.U. Buildings and Grounds 2025.01.09 W1KNE
Facilities 462.1375 R D612 Maintenance Electrical 2024.01.26 W1KNE
Facilities 463.2125 R D627 Maintenance Heating and Plumbing 2025.01.18 W1KNE
Facilities 463.3375 R D734 Maintenance 2025.01.23 W1KNE
Facilities 463.3625 R D654 Maintenance 2020.02.18 N1BHH / ecps92
Facilities 463.4375 R D754 Maintenance 2014.04.12 ecps92
Facilities 464.8375 R D712 Maintenance 2014.04.13 N1BHH
Special Events 463.3125 R D723 Event Ops 2012.11.01 N1BHH
Special Events 463.9875 R D703 Event Ops 2014.09.04 N1BHH
Agganis Arena 451.8375 R 88.5 Agganis Arena 2024.01.26 W1KNE
Agganis Arena 451.9625 R 179.9 Agganis Arena 2015.05.08 N1BHH
Agganis Arena 452.8375 R 203.5 Agganis Arena 2024.01.26 W1KNE
Agganis Arena 452.8875 R 210.7 Agganis Arena 2020.01.24 ecps92
Recreation Center 451.8625 R 173.8 Recreation Center 2011.08.13 ecps92
School of Medicine - Public Safety 451.7750 R N775 BUSM Public Safety 2025.01.04 W1KNE
School of Medicine - Facilities 451.8250 R D205 BUSM Facilities 2025.01.04 W1KNE

Brandeis University, Waltham

Radio Station: WBRS 100.1

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 464.2750 R 127.3 2025.01.06 W1KNE
Student Escort Services 464.8250 R 127.3 2025.01.06 ecps92
Maintenance 464.9250 R 127.3 2025.01.04 W1KNE
?? 464.1125 R D606 Parking Assistance? 2025.01.06 ecps92
461.6375 R ?
461.8125 R ?

Bridgewater State University

Radio Station: WBIM-FM 91.5

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Bridgewater State University 472.6125 R N270 BSU PD Digital F-1 2024.01.09 W1KNE
Bridgewater State University 483.9375 R 118.8 BSU PD F-2 2012.08.11 ecps92
Bridgewater State University 452.8375 S New

Bristol Community College, Fall River-Attleboro-New Bedford

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police (Fall River) 464.0125 R 103.5 Campus Police 2025.01.27 W1KNE
Campus Police (Attleboro) 463.9000 R Police/Security
Operations (New Bedford) 452.5875 R 203.5 Operations 2020.02.03 W1KNE

Bunker Hill Community College, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 463.3750 R D464 Bunker Hill PD Campus Police 2025.01.09 W1KNE
Campus Security 457.6375 S D311 BHCC Security Securitas Security 2012.05.05 Mister Strobes
Operations 452.2625 R 146.2 Bunker Hill C.C. College Activities (other PL's) 2013.10.28 Mister Strobes
Operations 452.2625 R 110.9 Bunker Hill C.C. College Activities (other PL's) 2013.10.28 ecps92
Operations 452.2625 R 156.7 Bunker Hill C.C. College Activities (other PL's) 2014.03.12 N1BHH

Cambridge College

  • Contract Security

Cape Cod Community College, Barnstable

Radio Station: WKKL 90.7

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police/Security 855.7125 R N270 CCCC Security P25 2024.01.16 MarkSNE Moderator
Campus Police/Security 452.8000 R 210.7 patched to 855.7125 2019.12.13 jeffkett
Maintenance 451.4500 S 192.8 Maintenance 2023.05.03 jeffkett
Licensed unheard 453.0000 unk
Licensed unheard 857.4625 unk

Clark University, Worcester

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Police 461.5750 R C08 SL:1 TG:700 - Police (Fully Encrypted) 2021.05.24 W1KNE
Student Transportation 451.9750 R C02 SL:1 TG:165 - Student Buses 2024.02.16 W1KNE
? 464.4250 R D032 Police and Student EMS 2012.04.26
Facilities 152.9375 R C09 SL:1 TG:24 (Fully Encrypted) 2024.02.16 W1KNE
Facilities 152.3675 R 85.4 Facilities 2012.06.26 icy1899
Escorts 151.8050 S 151.4 Student Escort Vans 2012.08.25 icy1899

College of Holy Cross, Worcester

Radio Station: WCHC 88.1

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 464.4750 R C01 SL:1 TG 1 (Fully Encrypted) 2024.02.16 W1KNE
Campus Unknown 464.4750 R C01 SL:1 TG:900 - Fully Encrypted 2023.03.23 W1KNE
Facilities 151.7150 R C01 SL:1 TG:1 - (Partially Encrypted) 2024.02.16 W1KNE

Curry College, Milton

Radio Station: WMLN 91.5

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 452.7625 R C01 SL:1 TG:10 - Campus Police - Primary Ops "Curry Control" 2025.01.04 W1KNE
Campus Police 452.7625 R C01 SL:2 TG:11 - Campus Police Car To Car (Fully Encrypted) 2024.05.16 TheCoolMatrix
Campus Police 452.7625 R C01 SL:2 TG:15 - Student Patrols & Transportation (Fully Encrypted) 2024.05.16 TheCoolMatrix

Dean College, Franklin

Radio Station: WGAO 88.3

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 463.8250 R C05 SL:1 TG:300 - Campus Police and Safety - Operations 2025.01.06 W1KNE
Resident Life 464.3250 R 114.8 Ch 2 - Resident Life 2018.05.24 W1KNE

Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Security 464.0125 R C14 SL:1 TG:100 - Security w/Phone Patch 2021.03.04 ecps92
Maintenance 464.0125 R C14 SL:2 TG:110 - Maintenance 2021.03.04 ecps92
Eastern Nazarene College 461.3000 R D315 E.Nazarene Coll Security w/Phone Patch 2013.10.14 ecps92
Eastern Nazarene College 461.3000 R D125 E.Nazarene Coll 2013.10.12 ecps92
Eastern Nazarene College 463.9375 R D311 E.Nazarene Coll 2013.12.05 ecps92
Eastern Nazarene College 464.0125 R D205 E.Nazarene Coll Security w/Phone Patch 2014.01.04 ecps92/N1BHH

Emerson College, Boston

Radio Station: WERS 88.9

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 463.8750 R 103.5 Campus Police 2024.05.01 W1KNE
Campus Maintenance 463.6250 R D423 Maintenance 2023.03.25 W1KNE

Emmanuel College, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police/Security 451.7875 R C15 SL:1 TG:16777215 - Emmanuel Security (Fully Encrypted) 2024.05.06 W1KNE

Endicott College, Beverly

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Endicott College 462.0625 R 173.8 Campus Security, Shuttles, Operations 2021.03.22 W1KNE
Endicott College 461.7250 R 82.5 Campus Security, Maintenance 2015.05.08 N1BHH

Fisher College, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Fisher College 463.7125 R 250.3 Campus Police 2020.05.12 W1KNE

Fitchburg State University

Radio Station: WXPL 91.3

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 453.2000 R 173.8 Campus Police Primary (Base goes by "206", referring to call WNNH206) 2024.04.16 W1KNE
FCC Licensed 453.0125 R Campus Police New F-

Framingham State University

Radio Station: WDJM 91.3

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Framingham State University 471.5250 R D172 Campus Police 2024.01.26 W1KNE

Greenfield Community College

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Greenfield Community College 462.4375 R 141.3 Campus Security 2024.06.10 W1KNE
Greenfield Community College 464.8250 R 141.3 Campus Facilities 2024.06.10 W1KNE

Gordon College, Wenham

  • Gordon College Campus Police also provide Security for Gordon Conwell Theologian Seminary
Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Gordon College 153.2150 R D125 Campus Police
Gordon College 153.4850 Need info
Gordon College 154.5400 Need info

Gordon Conwell Theologian Seminary, Hamilton

  • Campus Police/Security provided by Gordon College
Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary 461.2750 R 94.8 Campus Security 2024.11.27 ecps92
Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary 463.2125 R 127.3 Maintenance 2015.05.08 N1BHH

Hampshire College, Amherst

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Hampshire College 452.0125 R C03 SL:1 TG:50 - Simulcast 3 Campus Police 2018.08.30 cg
Hampshire College 464.7750 R 100.0 Campus Maintenance/Engineering 2015.04.05 W1KNE
Hampshire College 462.3250 R ? ?
Hampshire College 464.8750 R ? ?

Harvard University, Cambridge

Radio Station: WHRB 95.3

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Police Primary 484.0875 R N495 Longwood Area Properties - (Partial Encryption) 2023.12.02 GraniteScanner
Police Secondary 484.2625 R N495 (Fully Encrypted) 2023.07.05 ecps92
Police 451.6250 R N495 Mostly Encrypted 2023.12.18 W1KNE
Contract Security 463.8500 R N293 Contract Security Guards separate from Police 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Operations Center 484.0625 R D365 Monitoring Alarms/Heat Issues 2017.03.04 ecps92
Operations Center 463.9000 R D025 2015.04.09 N1BHH
Operations Center 464.0250 R D023 HVAC operations 2021.02.10 W1KNE
Power Plant 451.0250 R D023 Steam Power Plant 2024.11.17 ecps92
Food and Transport 461.1125 S 71.9 2011.05.18
Fogg Art Museum 484.8125 R 127.3 2012.05.05 N1BHH
Smith Center 464.3500 R D271 Smith Center - Security 2020.03.14 OceanNora
Harvard Business School 462.0875 R C01 SL:1 TG:1 - Security 2023.10.26 MASSBUSMARK
Harvard Business School 464.7750 R 241.8 Maintenance 2014.01.05 N1BHH
Harvard School of Public Health 461.9000 R D243 HSPH Maintenance 2021.03.22 W1KNE
Harvard School of Public Health 461.5625 R C15 SL:1 TG:90 - Security Ocean Nora/GaryS 2018.06.04
Maintenance 451.8500 R
Maintenance 456.9250 S
Maintenance 457.1500 S
Maintenance 457.2750 S
Maintenance 457.3250 S
Maintenance 457.7250 S
Harvard Medical School - Maintenance 461.4125 R C12 SL:1 TG:901 - Maintenance 2024.11.20 W1KNE
Harvard Medical School - Maintenance 461.4125 R 127.3 Maintenance 2013.07.09 ecps92
Harvard Medical School 461.5625 R D712 Maintenance 2012.10.05 N1BHH
Harvard Medical School 462.2500 R C13 SL:1 TG:1 - Facilities Boston 2019.02.01 Ocean Nora/GaryS
Harvard Medical School 462.2500 R C13 SL:2 TG:902 - Janitorial 2020.08.30 W1KNE
Harvard Medical School 463.6125 R 136.5 Parking 2012.10.11 N1BHH
Harvard Medical School 464.1750 R 162.2 Maintenance 2014.03.12 N1BHH
Harvard Medical School 464.9375 R 127.3 Maintenance 2013.12.05 N1BHH

Hellenic-Holy Cross Theological College, Brookline

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Hellenic/Holy Cross Theological College 151.8350 Helenic Security

Holyoke Community College

Radio Station: WCCH 103.5

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Security 462.1750 R C07 SL:1 TG:1 - Security and Operations 2019.02.17 W1KNE
Security 451.4000 R D265 Security Primary 2022.04.17 W1KNE

Lasell University, Newton

Radio Station: WLAS-LP 102.9

  • Located in the Auburndale section of Newton
Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Public Safety 464.2625 R C01 SL:1 TG:911 - Lasell Campus PD 2025.01.09 W1KNE

Lesley University, Cambridge

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Public Safety 464.8250 R C07 SL:1 TG:100 - Public Safety Dispatch 2020.03.14 OceanNora

Massasoit Community College, Brockton

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 464.6875 R C01 SL:1 TG:200 - Campus Police 2024.08.17 W1KNE
Campus Police 463.6000 R 107.2 Campus Police 2012.01.16 N1BHH
Campus Police 460.5125 R ? Campus Police
Facilities? 464.3250 R C01 SL:1 TG:202 Discussion of alarm ringing Campus PD notified. 2021.03.27 GaryS
Facilities? 464.3250 R C01 SL:2 TG:201 Exact use unknown, likely facilities 2021.03.27 GaryS

Mass Bay Community College, Framingham-Wellesley

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Mass Bay Community College 463.4375 R C01 SL:01 TG:01 - Dual Campus Operations Security and Operations (Both Campuses) 2025.01.09 W1KNE
Mass Bay Community College 150.9800 R 131.8 Campus Police and (Internal Security Associates) Security Officers (Both Campuses)

Massachusetts College of Art, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 453.4250 R 100.0 MA Art College Police 2023.01.21 W1KNE

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams

Radio Station: WJJW 91.1

  • Formerly North Adams State College
Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Mass. College of Liberal Arts 152.3525 R C01 SL:1 TG:100 - Campus Police 2024.06.10 W1KNE
Mass. College of Liberal Arts 152.3375 R D071 Campus Maintenance 2017.02.18 W1KNE

Mass College of Pharmacy, Boston-Worcester

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 461.1500 R C07 SL:1 TG:14 - Police Primary (Boston) 2024.03.21 W1KNE
Campus Police 461.1500 R C07 SL:1 TG:15 - Police Unknown (Boston) 2024.03.21 W1KNE
Campus Police 461.1500 R C07 SL:2 TG:16 - Police Wide Area (Boston/Worcester) 2024.03.21 W1KNE
Facility Maintenance 463.4750 R C07 SL:2 TG:12 - Facilities 2022.04.30 W1KNE
Information Technology 463.4750 R C07 SL:1 TG:10 - IT 2019.11.25 OceanNora
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy 451.4125 R C07 SL:2 TG:22 - Unknown use (Worcester) 2020.01.12 Disp612
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Police (Worcester) 464.7500 R 94.8 2012.08.27 kb1fjr
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy 464.0375 R Boston
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy 464.5250 R Worcester

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge

Radio Station: WMBR 88.1

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police City of Cambridge T Now on Cambridge trunk See trunked system for confirmation.
Campus Police 852.4375 R N0B3 Police Channel 14 - (Mixed Encryption) 2020.08.30 W1KNE
Plant / Maintenance 461.2500 R 173.8 Power Plant/Maintenance Channel 1, WPGY623 2025.01.09 W1KNE
Maintenance 461.6875 R C15 SL:1 TG:1 - Maintenance Channel -WPJY943 2021.05.17 W1KNE
Facilities / Maintenance 461.7750 R 206.5 Facilities Maintenance Channel 2 (Alarms, Signals and Monitoring), KNNJ922 2025.01.23 W1KNE
Facilities / Maintenance 461.9875 R C12 SL:1 TG:33 - Facilities Maintenance 2024.09.07 W1KNE
Facilities / Maintenance 464.1000 R D116 Facilities/Maintenance, May now be DMR 2011.10.04
Maintenance 461.6250 R 167.9 Maintenance 2024.03.01 W1KNE
Campus EMS City of Cambridge T MIT EMS - Now on Cambridge trunk See trunked system for confirmation.
LL Security 452.0125 R C04 SL:1 TG:244101 - Lincoln Laboratory Security 2020.04.05 bfrederi
Lincoln Lab 171.2625 R N950 Lincoln Laboratory at Hansom AFB. 2016.01.28 ecps92
To Be Identified 461.9500 R DMR
To Be Identified 461.9875 R
To Be Identified 463.4625 R DMR
To Be Identified 464.1875 R DMR
To Be Identified 464.5875 R DMR

Mass Maritime Academy, Bourne

  • Located in Buzzard's Bay
Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Operations 451.4250 R C01 SL:1 TG:10 Grounds 2024.01.10 jeffkett
Campus Police/Public Safety 451.6500 R 173.8 MMA Campus PD 2022.04.30 jeffkett
Campus Operations 451.6500 R C02 SL:2 TG:12 Student Transport 2024.02.05 W1KNE
Campus Police/Public Safety 460.6625 R CSQ MMA Campus PD 1 - old (Still CWID - 2024) 2014.02.19 jeffkett
Maintenance 464.5500 S 203.5 MMA Campus Maintenance Ch.02
Campus Public Safety 461.6625 100.0 MMA Campus Police/Security 4
Training Ship Kennedy 465.7000 S CSQ MMA Campus TS Kennedy 2020.01.09 jeffkett

Massasoit Community College, Canton

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 451.4750 R C01 SL:1 TG:200 - Campus Police 2023.07.29 W1KNE
461.7500 R FCC License
464.8000 R FCC License
467.0375 S FCC License
468.6875 S FCC License
469.2375 S FCC License

Massasoit Community College, Middleborough

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
463.4625 R FCC License

Merrimack College, North Andover

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Merrimack College 451.7250 R C01 SL:1 TG:2000 - Campus Police 2023.10.21 MASSBUSMARK
Merrimack College 155.5875 R 186.2 Campus Police 2011.01.09
Merrimack College 151.6850 Need info
Merrimack College 151.6850 R D712 Security
Merrimack College 152.2850 R D712 Maintenance and Grounds 2010.12.20 ecps92

Middlesex Community College, Bedford-Lowell

  • Contract Security
Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Middlesex Community College 462.7000 S D155 Lowell-Middle Street Buildings Security 2024.11.27 MASSBUSMARK

Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley

Radio Station: WMHC 91.5

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Safety 464.3750 R 131.8 Campus Safety Primary 2024.08.11 W1KNE
Campus Police 464.3750 R C01 SL:1 TG:50 - Simulcast 3 Campus Police (May have been replaced by analog above) 2018.08.30 cg
Maintenance 461.2500 R D503 Maintenance 2023.10.03 W1KNE
Unknown 461.2500 R D703 Maintenance? (same ch, different PL) 2018.08.30 cg

Mount Wachusett Community College, Gardner

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
College Police 154.9650 R D134 Police 2024.04.16 W1KNE
College Maintenance 151.1750 R 192.8 Maintenance 2024.05.20 W1KNE

New England Conservatory of Music, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
New England Conservatory of Music 462.1000 R
New England Conservatory of Music 464.5250 S
New England Conservatory of Music 464.8000 S
New England Conservatory of Music 464.8500 S
New England Conservatory of Music 469.5250 S
New England Conservatory of Music 469.8000 S
New England Conservatory of Music 469.8500 S

Newbury College, Brookline

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Newbury College 463.9000 Newbury College Security

Nichols College, Dudley

Radio Station: WNRC-LP 97.5

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Facilities 461.3000 R C08 SL:1 TG:10902 - Facilities 2024.02.16 W1KNE
Campus Security 463.9125 R C08 SL:1 TG:10901 - Security 2024.02.16 W1KNE

Northeastern University, Boston

Campus Locations of Boston, Burlington and Nahant Radio Station: WRBB 104.9

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 464.9750 R N373 Primary Operations - (Fully Encrypted) 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Student Patrols 451.7500 R D265 Also heard Maintenance doing Elevator Testing 2024.04.04 ecps92
Campus Police 464.1250 R N373 PD Secondary - (Fully Encrypted) 2024.01.13 W1KNE
Plant Operations 464.6750 R 173.8 2024.01.02 W1KNE
Facilities 463.2625 R
Northeastern University 462.4750 R N662 (Fully Encrypted) 2023.08.25 ecps92
Northeastern University 451.0375 S
Northeastern University 451.1375 S
Northeastern University 451.1875 S
Northeastern University 451.6125 S
Northeastern University 451.6625 S
Northeastern University 451.8625 S
Northeastern University 452.7875 S
Northeastern University 456.6125 S
Northeastern University 457.7875 S
Northeastern University 462.5125 S

Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill

Campus Locations in Haverhill and Lawrence

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Northern Essex Community College 463.3375 R C14 SL:1 TG:101-Lawrence Campus Security 2024.02.19 MASSBUSMARK
Northern Essex Community College 463.6625 R C14 SL:1 TG:101 - Campus Security 2021.02.04 aleckrohto

North Shore Community College, Danvers-Lynn

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 453.4500 R D065 Danvers and Lynn Complexes 2025.01.03 W1KNE
??? 463.9500 R ? Essex Aggie - Danvers

Pine Manor College, Brookline

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Pine Manor College 464.9250 R D365 Pine Manor Security 2011.01.13 ecps92

Quincy College

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Quincy College 464.3250 S Quincy College Security
Quincy College 469.3250 S Quincy College Security

Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Facilties 453.1500 R C05 SL:1 TG:400 - Facilities (Linked to 453.5500) 2024.02.16 W1KNE
Campus Police 453.2375 R C07 SL:1 TG:200 - Police (Linked to 460.2000) 2022.07.12 W1KNE
Facilities 453.5500 R C09 SL:1 TG: TG:400 - Facilities (Linked to 453.1500) 2024.02.16 W1KNE
Campus Police 460.2000 R C11 SL:1 TG:200 - Police (Linked to 453.2375) 2024.02.16 W1KNE

Regis College, Weston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Police 464.3250 R C08 SL:1 TG:464325 - Police 2024.02.09 MASSBUSMARK
Facilities 464.3250 R C08 SL:2 TG:469325 - Facilities 2023.03.10 MASSBUSMARK

Roxbury Community College, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police/Security 460.4875 R D116 Security 2025.01.21 W1KNE
453.3625 R
460.2375 R

Salem State University

Radio Station: WMWM 91.7

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 472.6125 R C12 SL:1 TG:1121901 - Campus Police Ch.01 2024.01.26 W1KNE
Shuttle Services 464.4750 R 141.3 Campus Shuttle 2016.10.19 ecps92
Maintenance / Engineering 461.4625 R D125 Campus Ops
Expired License
2016.10.19 ecps92

Showa Boston Institute for Language and Culture, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Security 464.3000 R 141.3 Security (Low Power) 2024.03.17 W1KNE

Simmons College, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Simmons College 483.8375 R R50 Police - using over-the-air alias 2023.03.22 W1KNE

Simon's Rock College of Bard, Great Barrington

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Security 157.6200 S D371 Junior College w/Phone Patch 2024.03.11 W1KNE

Smith College, Northampton

Radio Station: WOZQ 91.9

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 461.5750 R C02 SL:1 TG:50 - Simulcast 3 Campus Police 2024.09.23 W1KNE
Campus Operations 461.4250 R 146.2 Campus Operations 2024.08.11 W1KNE
Maintenance 462.2750 R 146.2 Campus Maintenance 2024.09.23 W1KNE
Smith College 463.7375 R 146.2 Unknown User 2018.06.27 W1KNE

Springfield College

Radio Station: WSCB 89.9

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police - Primary 464.3250 R C03 SL:1 TG:100 - Campus Police 2024.07.27 W1KNE
Campus Police - Secondary 464.3250 R C03 SL:2 TG:100 - Parking and Events 2022.04.04 W1KNE
Springfield College 155.1600 R 100.0 Campus EMS/1st Responders 2013.02.07
Springfield College 464.9750 R D134
Springfield College 463.4875 S
Springfield College 463.7625 S
Springfield College 151.0775 S Public Safety

Springfield Technical Community College

Radio Station: WTCC 90.7

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Springfield Technical Community College Trunked T - All campus operations on this trunk. See trunked page for confirmation.
Springfield Technical Community College 452.8625 R D311 Campus Police 2014.11.27 W1KNE
Springfield Technical Community College 464.3750 R 162.2 Facility Maintenance Needs Reconfirmation

Stonehill College, Easton

Radio Station: WSHL-FM 91.3

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Stonehill College 463.5250 R D411 Campus Police 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Stonehill College 462.1250 R 88.5 Resident Life Ops
Stonehill College 464.3750 R 203.5 Maintenance 2025.01.13 W1KNE

Suffolk University, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Suffolk University 451.5250 R N269 Police 2025.01.21 W1KNE
Suffolk University 463.2500 R C01 SL:1 TG:1 - Facilities 2020.02.04 W1KNE
Suffolk University 463.6500 R 127.3 Police 2015.05.08 N1BHH
Suffolk University 452.6500 R Police

Tufts University, Medford-Grafton-Boston

Radio Station: WMFO 91.5 (Medford)

  • The Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine is a full service animal hospital with ER.
Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 463.3250 R N217 Police - Dual Mode (Simulcast with 464.7750 N293) 2025.01.16 W1KNE
Campus Police 463.3250 R 192.8 Police - (Dual Mode) 2012.05.14 N1BHH
Campus Police 461.1750 R 192.8 Police Channel 2 2012.12.01 N1BHH
Campus EMS 462.0750 R D712 Campus EMS + PD (Dual Mode) 2012.05.16 N1BHH
Campus EMS 462.0750 R N497 Campus EMS + PD (Dual Mode) 2013.10.26 N1BHH
Building Maintenance 464.8750 R C07 SL:1 TG: 1001 - Trades 2025.01.16 W1KNE
Grounds Maintenance 464.8750 R C07 SL:2 TG: 1002 - Grounds 2024.01.18 ecps92
Tufts University 464.8750 R C07 SL:1 TG: 1003 - Need to ID 2025.01.21 W1KNE
Buildings and Grounds 464.8750 R 114.8 Buildings and Grounds Dept. 2012.12.22 N1BHH
Tufts University 464.5750 S 97.4 Expired License - but still used - Unknown User 2010.04.30
Tufts University - Fenway 463.9375 R
Tufts Medical School - Campus Police 464.7750 R N293 Public Safety - Dual Mode (Simulcast with 463.3250 N217) 2024.05.10 MASSBUSMARK
Tufts Medical School (Dual Mode) 464.7750 R 146.2 Public Safety 2012.05.24 N1BHH
Tufts Medical School 464.2875 R C15 SL:1 TG:1 - Medical and Dental School - Maintenance 2024.02.22 ecps92
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine - Campus Police 452.1500 R N924 Grafton (Simulcast at night w/Medford & Boston) 2024.02.16 W1KNE
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine 452.1500 R 192.8 Grafton
Cumming School of Veterinary Medicine 452.6125 R C05 SL:1 TG:1000 - Facilities 2024.02.16 W1KNE
Cumming School of Veterinary Medicine 452.6125 R C05 SL:2 TG:2000 - Operations 2024.02.16 W1KNE

University of Massachusetts (UMass) - Amherst

Radio Station: WMUA 91.1

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 463.8500 R N545 Primary - (Fully Encrypted) 2024.09.23 W1KNE
Campus Police 453.4000 R N545 Campus Police (Fully Encrypted) 2023.02.13 W1KNE
Transit Buses 45.9200 141.3 Transit - Dispatch To Buses 2024.09.23 W1KNE
Campus Maintenance 156.0750 R 146.2 Campus Maintenance 2024.07.27 W1KNE
Operations 461.1750 R C15 SL:1 TG:101 Agricultural Labs 2024.09.23 W1KNE
Operations 461.1750 R C15 SL:2 TG:105 - Agricultural Lab Supplies 2024.09.23 W1KNE
Student Security 461.6750 R 94.8 Student Security
Campus Center 462.1250 R C14 SL:2 TG:102 Campus Center Operations 2022.04.04 W1KNE
Hampden Hall 464.5250 R D155 Residential Operations 2024.09.23 W1KNE
UMass Trunk Trunked T UMass DMR TIII System (Amherst) See trunked page for confirmation.
UMass Trunk Trunked T UMass LTR System (Amherst) - nearing end of life See trunked page for confirmation.

University of Massachusetts (UMass) - Boston

Radio Station: WUMB 91.9

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Police 453.7875 R N617 Police Primary 2024.09.24 W1KNE
Police 453.2875 R N617 Police Secondary 2024.02.23 W1KNE
Police 460.1000 R 141.3 Unknown Use, Still Active 2024.02.15 W1KNE
Maintenance 464.2250 R 186.2 Maintenance/Facilities 2025.01.16 ecps92
UMass Biologics 451.8375 R D205 UMass Medical MassBiologics Walk Hill Campus (WQFL368) 2019.02.22 ecps92
UMass Medical School 152.3375 R D143 Mass DPH Bureau of Laboratory Sciences (WQKB441) 2013.12.05 ecps92
Athletics 451.4000 S
Athletics 452.5000 S
Athletics 453.0000 S
Athletics 457.5000 S
Athletics 458.0000 S
Events 461.0625 S

University of Massachusetts (UMass) - Dartmouth

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 453.2625 R D143 2024.06.15 W1KNE
Campus Police 453.3500 R D143 2025.01.04 W1KNE
Maintenance 451.7000 R 141.3 2025.01.04 W1KNE

University of Massachusetts (UMass) - Lowell

Radio Station: WUML 91.5

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
UMass 460.3875 R N769 Primary (F-1) Police, (Partially Encrypted) 2025.01.03 MASSBUSMARK
UMass 453.4000 R N769 Former Primary (F-1) Police 2021.11.12 MASSBUSMARK
UMass 453.4000 S N293 Direct (F-1) Police Direct 2012.10.31 LPD7
UMass 484.7125 R N769 Secondary (F-2) Police Secondary 2012.11.16 LPD7
UMass 484.7125 R N796 Direct (F-2) Police Secondary Direct 2012.10.31 LPD7
UMass 461.6875 R D223 Transportation Services 2023.12.02 GraniteScanner
UMass 453.2375 R 141.3 Maintenance

University of Massachusetts (UMass) - Worcester

Name Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 463.7250 R N001 Ch.01 Police 2025.01.12 MASSBUSMARK
Campus Police 463.3000 R D503 Ch.02 Police 2020.10.24 Disp617
Facilities 461.6375 R C01 SL:1 TG:1 - Operations 2022.07.12 W1KNE
Physical Plant 461.6375 R C01 SL:1 TG:2 - Boiler/Pressure Ops 2022.04.04 W1KNE
451.6500 R FCC License Info
464.3875 S FCC License Info
467.0875 S FCC License Info
469.2375 S FCC License Info

Wellesley College

Radio Station: WZLY 91.5

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 463.6000 R 233.6 Wellesley College Police 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Facilities 464.4250 R C09 SL:1 TG:115 - Facilities 2025.02.01 W1KNE

Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 463.7750 R D152 Primary 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Campus Police 463.6875 R D311 PD Ch.1 2014.03.12 N1BHH
Campus Police 464.3500 127.3 PD Ch.2
Maintenance and Engineering 461.6250 R 206.5 Plant Ops 2013.12.05 N1BHH

Westfield State University

Radio Station: WSKB 89.5

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 151.5950 R N23C 2024.08.17 W1KNE
Facilities 159.7350 R C01 SL:1 TG:16777215 - Campus Facilities and Maintenance 2024.08.17 W1KNE

Western New England University, Springfield

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Security/Campus Police 451.7250 R C10 SL:1 TG:101 - Campus Police 2024.03.11 W1KNE
Residence Halls 461.4125 R C09 SL:1 TG:110 - Resident Halls Unknown Specific use 2020.09.19 W1KNE
464.4750 R 192.8 Former Campus Police 2012.01.14 W1KNE

Wheaton College, Norton

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus Police 464.8250 R D754 Campus Police 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Campus Police 464.4250 R D411 Police Secondary? 2024.01.08 W1KNE
Wheaton College 461.3875 R D754 Campus Maintenance 2024.02.20 W1KNE

Wheelock College, Boston

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Wheelock College 463.4125 R ??

Whitehead Institute, Cambridge

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Whitehead Institute 464.3250 R 206.5 Security - Expired WNYF647 2012.04.04 N1BHH

Williams College, Williamstown

Radio Station: WCFM 91.9

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Williams College 461.7750 R 146.2 Security 2024.06.10 W1KNE
Williams College 464.8750 R 146.2 Maintenance 2024.06.10 W1KNE

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Campus PD 452.2375 R C01 SL:1 TG:6000 - Dispatch PD (Fully Encrypted) 2025.01.12 MASSBUSMARK
Campus EMS 452.2375 R C01 SL:? TG:? - Dispatch EMS
Unknown 464.3750 R C04 SL:1 TG:9696 ?? (Full ENC) 2020.11.29 W1KNE
Unknown 464.3750 R C04 SL:2 TG:9697 (Fully Encrypted) 2021.05.24 W1KNE
Unknown 463.7000 R C08 SL:1 TG:5000 - (Fully Encrypted) 2022.02.12 W1KNE
Multiple Users 463.7000 R C08 SL:1 TG:5001 - Multiple Users (Fully Encrypted) 2019.09.22 W1KNE
Student Activities 453.0000 R C12 SL:? TG:? - Student Activities Office
SNAP Vans 151.8950 S D223 SNAP - Nighttime Student Transportation Vans 2012.06.26 icy1899
Facilities 152.8700 R D114 Facilities 2012.06.26 icy1899
Light and Lens 152.2775 R D565 Lens and Lights 2019.09.22 W1KNE
Light and Lens 463.2750 R D565 Lens and Lights 2019.09.22 W1KNE
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 463.4250 R
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 464.4500 S
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 469.4500 S

Worcester State University

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Police 452.2625 R D032 Campus Police 2021.05.24 W1KNE
463.9875 R C?? 2011.10.01
464.5750 S D032 Facilities/Athletics 2012.06.27 icy1899
Unknown 464.6875 R C08 SL:1 TG:223 - Unknown (Fully Encrypted) 2024.02.16 W1KNE

Zion Bible College, Haverhill

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Zion Bible College 462.1500 R 94.8 Campus Security (Old Bradford College Campus in Haverhill)