Mall and Shopping Center Frequencies A-H

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Mass Mall and Shopping Center Frequency List

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Common Standard Department Store Channels
Connecticut Malls and Shopping Centers
Maine Malls and Shopping Centers
Massachusetts Malls and Shopping Centers A-H
Massachusetts Malls and Shopping Centers I-Z
New Hampshire Malls and Shopping Centers
Rhode Island Malls and Shopping Centers
Vermont Malls and Shopping Centers

Sorted Alphabetically by Location, Please Note that due to the Size of this Page the Malls have been broken into A-H and I-Z, see the additional Links at the bottom of the Page


  • 375-385 Centre Ave
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.7500 S D115 Abington Target Ch.01 2019.08.18 ecps92
467.9000 S D205 Abington Target Ch.04 2019.08.18 ecps92


  • Bristol Plaza
    • Located on Route 1A on the Pawtucket Line, at the South Attleboro T Station.
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8750 S 100.0 Attleboro T.J.Maxx 2021.08.30 W1KNE
467.8500 S D351 Attleboro Home Depot - Automated Orders 2021.08.30 W1KNE


  • Auburn Mall

Auburn Mall

Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
462.1000 R 192.8 Auburn Mall Security/Maintenance WPCD705 2024.02.16 W1KNE
464.5500 S CSQ Auburn Macy's 2007.11 Michael Darche
467.9250 S D743 Auburn Victoria's Secret -align="center" 2019.11.25 W1KNE
  • Route 12 (Shopping District surrounding Auburn mall).
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9000 S D632 Auburn Bath & Body Works 2019.11.25 W1KNE
467.8750 S D265 Auburn Big Lots! 2019.11.25 W1KNE
467.9250 S 162.2 Auburn Unknown Store (Maybe at the mall) 2019.11.25 W1KNE


  • Stockwell Drive (Includes portion in Stoughton)
  • For IKEA, see Stoughton on the Shopping Plazas I-Z page.
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
154.4900 S 67.0 Avon Costco - 2024.03.26 W1KNE
462.5875 S 118.8 Avon Floors & Décor GMRS 2022.06.24 W1KNE
451.6750 R D071 Avon Jordan's Furniture Loading Dock Operations WQER689 2012.03.22 N1BHH
467.7625 S D065 Avon Home Depot 2019.12.08 W1KNE
467.8500 S D532 Avon Michael's 2014.08.29 ecps92
467.7625 S 67.0 Avon Party City 2022.06.24 W1KNE
467.9000 S 107.2 Avon Unknown Store 2014.08.29 ecps92
467.9250 S Avon Unknown Store 2012.12.02 ecps92
467.9250 S 67.0 Avon Unknown Store (Referred to "Cage In Front") 2019.12.08 W1KNE
  • Miscellaneous
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
154.5700 S CSQ Avon Wal-Mart (Rte 28) 2019.08.17 W1KNE



  • Quabbin Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9250 S 67.0 Barre Barre Foods (Grocery Store) 2021.05.24 W1KNE


  • Shoppes at Bellingham

Shoppes at Bellingham

  • Frequencies to be Identified


  • Shops at Billerica. Outdoor strip mall. Mall itself was demolished in 2009.
  • Formerly the Billerica Mall
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
464.4875 R 136.5 Billerica WPEZ213 (Expired) 2007.11 ecps92


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
464.4250 R C15 Boston SL:1 TG:41011 - Security WPWH275 2022.01.30 W1KNE
464.7000 R D315 Boston Maintenance WPWH275 2014.02.21 ecps92
158.4000 S 74.4 Boston Banana Republic 2007.11 DavidS-DC
461.4500 S D025 Boston Barneys New York 2007.11 DavidS-DC
467.9250 S D743 Boston Victoria's Secret WPYX853 2007.11 DavidS-DC
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
463.4625 R 186.2 Boston Macy's WPKW498 (Expired) 2011.08.13 johnster
464.1000 R Boston Macy's WPKW498 (Expired)
464.1750 R Boston Macy's WPKW498 (Expired)
464.2750 R Boston Macy's WPKW498 (Expired)
451.2875 S Boston Primark WQWV262
456.2875 S Boston Primark WQWV262
467.1875 S Boston Primark WQWV262
467.4625 S Boston Primark WQWV262
467.4875 S Boston Primark WQWV262
461.0625 S Boston Unknown Store 2014.03.09 ecps92
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
464.2250 R 151.4 Boston Market Place Police/Maint. KCG501 (Expired) 2007.11 KB1FJR
462.2250 R 151.4 Boston Market Place WQOE565 2011.12.15 N1BHH
464.3750 R 151.4 Boston Market Place KCG501 (Expired)
464.9125 R ? Boston Market Place KCG501 (Expired)
467.9250 S 218.1 Boston Urban Outfitters David S. DC
467.9250 S D743 Boston Victoria's Secret WPYX853 David S. DC
  • Lafayette Place
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
461.4750 R 67.0 Boston Security WNNM476 (Expired) 2007.11 ecps92
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
472.0625 R 131.8 Boston Security (Both mall and tower) WIJ885 2025.01.17 ecp92
484.0125 R 146.2 Boston Maintenance and Housekeeping KNP388 2023.12.02 GraniteScanner
451.6875 S Boston Garage Ops
456.6875 S Boston Garage Ops
451.9000 R Boston
461.1750 R Boston
461.5000 R 146.2 Boston Property Management - Maintenance KNEZ657 2016.02.02 N1BHH
461.6750 R Boston
461.7250 R D464 Boston WPBD898 2013.02.28 ecps92
463.5000 R Boston
463.7500 R Boston
463.7750 R Boston
464.8500 R Boston
467.9000 S D743 Boston Best Buy
Boylston St
2007.12.26 ecps92
467.9000 S D743 Boston Best Buy
Park Drive
2012.06.24 ecps92
461.1125 S D412 Boston Sephora 2007.11 DavidS-DC


  • Bourne Outlets
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation


  • Miscellaneous
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
151.6250 S 67.0 Braintree General Cinemas 2010.10.13 ecps92
  • Granite Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S D351 Braintree Burlington Coat Factory WQLA944 2016.02.22 ecps92
467.9250 S D343 Braintree Harbor Freight Tools WQOU225 2015.12.13 ecps92
  • Tedeschi Plaza
    • Needs Info
  • The Marketplace at Braintree
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9250 S D506 Braintree Best Buy Ch.01 2024.02.15 ecps92
467.9000 S D743 Braintree Best Buy Ch.02 2019.03.09 ecps92
467.9000 S 225.7 Braintree Staples 2019.12.12 ecps92
467.8500 S 67.0 Braintree ULTA WQJC797 2014.01.12 ecps92
467.8750 S D331 Braintree ? 2017.11.24 ecps92
  • Pearl Street Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8750 S 100.0 Braintree Marshall's 2018.12.23 ecps92
467.8500 S D532 Braintree Michaels 2016.08.24 ecps92
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
463.5000 R C07 Braintree SL:1 TG:11 - Mall Security KNAL764 2024.01.02 W1KNE
463.5000 R D624 Braintree Former Mall Security (Still in use?) KNAL764 2020.01.18 ecps92
461.5875 R 131.8 Braintree Mall Maintenance WNYW340 (Expired) 2019.03.09 ecps92
467.8750 S 82.5 Braintree Cheese Cake Factory 2010.10.13 ecps92/jeffkett
467.8250 S D131 Braintree Dave and Busters - Game Ops 2019.03.09 ecps92 and friends
467.9000 S D043 Braintree Dave and Busters - Food/Bar Cleanup/Maintenance 2019.03.09 ecps92 and friends
467.8750 S D723 Braintree Guess 2013.05.19 ecps92
451.3625 R 179.9 Braintree Macy's - Loss Prevention WPWW260 2019.03.09 ecps92
462.4250 R Braintree Macys Security WPUQ580 2007.11 ecps92
464.5250 S 167.9 Braintree Nordstrom's 2010.03.27 ecps92
461.1125 S D412 Braintree Sephora 2013.10.19 ecps92
467.9250 S D412 Braintree Sephora 2019.03.09 ecps92
467.4375 R D165 Braintree Target Ch.xx -New 2019.09.01 ecps92
462.4875 R D261 Braintree Target Ch.02 -New WQMQ365 2011.01.30 ecps92
462.5125 R D165 Braintree Target Ch.01 -New WQMQ365 2019.03.09 ecps92
463.9125 S D205 Braintree Target Ch.04 -New WQMQ365 2011.11.27 ecps92
Braintree Target Ch.05 -New WQMQ365
467.8125 S D306 Braintree Target Ch.06 -New WQMQ365 2010.12.15 ecps92
462.1875 S D155 Braintree Target Ch.xx -New WQMQ365 2011.01.30 ecps92
467.1875 S D306 Braintree Target Ch.xx -New 'Loss Prevention' WQMQ365 2014.08.27 ecps92
467.7750 S D072 Braintree Target Ch.02 -Old 2010.10.13 ecps92
467.9000 S D205 Braintree Target Ch.04 -Old 2010.10.13 ecps92
467.9250 S D743 Braintree Victoria's Secret 2013.05.19 ecps92
461.2375 S D125 Braintree Unknown Store 2014.08.27 ecps93
461.3375 S 67.0 Braintree Unknown Store w/ 2 Stories 2013.05.19 ecps92
462.6125 S CSQ Braintree Unknown Store 2009.09.23 jeffkett
464.4875 S 67.0 Braintree Unknown Store 2014.03.16 ecps92
464.5250 S CSQ Braintree Unknown Store Security 2012.02.26 ecps92
464.5000 S 77.0 Braintree Unknown Store - Trash 2012.01.22 ecps92
464.5000 S D023 Braintree Unknown Store 2013.05.19 ecps92
464.5500 S 179.9 Braintree Unknown Store 2007.11.25 ecps92
464.5500 S 67.0 Braintree Unknown Restaurant 2014.03.16 ecps92
464.5625 S 203.5 Braintree Unknown Store 2014.03.16 ecps92
467.8500 S 67.0 Braintree Unknown Restaurant 2013.10.19 ecps92
467.8500 S 103.5 Braintree Unknown Store 2014.08.27 ecps92
467.8500 S 173.8 Braintree Unknown Clothing Store 2019.03.09 ecps92
467.8500 S D125 Braintree Unknown Store 2013.10.19 ecps92
467.8500 S D162 Braintree Unknown Store 2019.03.09 ecps92
467.8500 S D306 Braintree Unknown Store Security 2010.11.07 ecps92
467.8500 S D412 Braintree Unknown Store 2010.10.13 ecps92
467.8500 S D546 Braintree Unknown Store 2014.03.16 ecps92
467.8750 S D047 Braintree Unknown Store 2013.10.19 ecps92
467.8750 S D172 Braintree Unknown Store 2013.10.19 ecps92
467.8750 S D265 Braintree Unknown Store 2011.11.27 ecps92
467.8750 S D364 Braintree Unknown Store 2014.03.16 ecps92
467.8750 S 67.0 Braintree Unknown Store 2014.03.16 ecps92
467.8750 S 74.4 Braintree Unknown Store e2011.11.27 ecps92
467.8750 S 110.9 Braintree Unknown Store - Food Court 2013.05.19 ecps92
467.8750 S 179.9 Braintree Unknown Store 2008.04.20 ecps92
467.8750 S 186.2 Braintree Unknown Store 2013.10.19 ecps92
467.8750 S D025 Braintree Unknown Store 2019.03.09 ecps92
467.8750 S D162 Braintree Unknown Store 2018.12.09 ecps92
467.8750 S D465 Braintree Unknown Store - Poss Sears? 2018.12.09 ecps92
467.9000 S 67.0 Braintree Unknown Store - Men's and Women's Clothing 2019.03.09 ecps92
467.9000 S 118.8 Braintree Unknown Store - Clothing 2014.08.27 ecps92
467.9000 S D265 Braintree Unknown Store 2014.08.27 ecps92
467.9000 S D731 Braintree Unknown Store 2019.03.09 ecps92
467.9250 S D115 Braintree Unknown Store 2011.11.27 ecps92
467.9250 S 67.0 Braintree Unknown Store w/Strollers 2019.03.09 ecps92 and freinds
467.9250 S 77.0 Braintree Unknown Store 2019.03.09 ecps92
467.9250 S 88.5 Braintree Unknown Store 2013.10.19 ecps92
467.9250 S 218.1 Braintree Unknown Store 2007.12.23 ecps92
467.9250 S D743 Braintree Unknown Store w/Automated Voice 2013.10.19 ecps92
467.9250 S D712 Braintree Unknown Store near Target 2019.03.09 ecps92
  • 160 Granite St
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
464.5500 S 67.0 Braintree Buy Buy Baby 2011.11.26 ecps92


  • Campus Plaza - 179 Broad Street
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S D351 Bridgewater Burlington Coat Factory 2020.11.08 W1KNE


  • Crescent Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.7625 S D065 Brockton Home Depot Ch.01 2016.10.12 ecps92
467.8750 S D413 Brockton Home Depot Ch.04 2016.10.12 ecps92
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
484.1125 R D712 Brockton Security and Housekeeping KNR858 2025.01.03 W1KNE
484.9875 R 136.5 Brockton KNR858 2007.11 ecps92
486.8375 S 136.5 Brockton KNR858 2007.11 ecps92
467.9250 S D506 Brockton Best Buy Ch.01 WQFU432 2014.08.29 ecps92
461.0625 S 94.8 Brockton Dick's or Marshalls 2011.02.19 ecps92
462.3125 S 100.0 Brockton Unknown Store 2011.02.19 ecps92
467.8500 S D251 Brockton Toys R Us 2012.03.24 ecps92
467.8500 S D047 Brockton Old Navy 2012.03.24 N1BHH
467.9250 S 67.0 Brockton Unknown Store 2011.02.19 ecps92


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
461.1250 R D271 Burlington Mall Security WPJS211 2024.10.05 W1KNE
464.8250 R D734 Burlington Mall Maintenance WPJS211 2024.10.05 W1KNE
462.3500 R Burlington Macy's WPSR834 2007.11 ecps92
464.5250 R D156 Burlington Nordstrom WQIH826 2016.01.28 ecps92
463.5125 R Burlington Primark WQYR252
464.5500 S 79.7 Burlington Rain Forest Café 2007.11 ecps92
  • Burlington Mall Area
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S 67.0 Burlington Khols 2015.01.20 bfrederi
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
461.3625 S D145 Burlington Wegmans Ch.01 2015.01.20 bfrederi
461.1125 S D315 Burlington Wegmans Ch.02 Maintenance 2019.01.13 N1ZYY
461.0375 S D114 Burlington Wegmans Ch.03 Supervisors/Shift Leads 2022.11.11 ecps92
461.0875 S D223 Burlington Wegmans Ch.04 Outside/Cart Retrieval 2022.11.11 ecps92
  • Middlesex Turnpike
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9250 S D506 Burlington Best Buy Ch.01 2019.08.26 ecps92
  • Wayside Commons

Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S 67.0 Burlington L.L. Bean 2008.05.25 ecps92
464.5500 S 67.0 Burlington Unknown Store 2008.05.25 ecps92


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
464.4250 R D205 Cambridge Mall Security/Maintenance WQEE737 2018.11.16 ecps92
463.8125 R D271 Cambridge Mall Security - Old 2007.11 ecps92
467.9000 S D632 Cambridge Bath and Body Works 2012.10.27 ecps92
467.9250 S D506 Cambridge Best Buy 2011.03.05 ecps92
467.9000 S D731 Cambridge New York and Co 2011.03.05 ecps92
461.5875 S D351 Cambridge Unknown Security/Maint 2012.06.26 ecps92
467.8500 S 118.8 Cambridge Unknown Store Security 2011.03.05 ecps92
467.8500 S 173.8 Cambridge Unknown Store 2011.03.05 ecps92
467.8500 S D032 Cambridge Unknown Shoe Store 2012.06.24 ecps92
467.9000 S 192.8 Cambridge Unknown Store 2011.03.05 ecps92
  • Fresh Pond Shopping Center.
  • To be Identified


  • 160 Everett Ave (former Mystic Mall)
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
469.4875 s 210.7 Chelsea Home Goods - Automated Voice Assist 2020.01.03 ecps92
467.8750 S 100.0 Chelsea TJ Maxx 2020.01.03 ecps92
  • Revere Beach Parkway
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.7625 S D065 Chelsea Home Depot 2008.04.05 ecps92


  • Chicopee Marketplace
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8750 S 100.0 Chicopee Marshall's 2024.12.13 W1KNE


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
464.9500 R D132 Danvers Mall Security WPRB315 2011.08.13 wb1hbu
461.8000 R D132 Danvers Mall Maintenance WPRB315 2020.08.07 Scannermaster
467.9250 S D506 Danvers Best Buy Ch.01 WQFU432 2024.12.14 MASSBUSMARK
467.8750 S 94.8 Danvers Dick's Sporting Goods 2024.1124 ecps92
461.0625 S 71.9 Danvers Khols 2024.11.24 ecps92
467.8750 S 67.0 Danvers Ninety-Nine 2024.11.24 ecps92
467.7500 S D115 Danvers Target Ch.01 WQDF547 2011.08.13 wb1hbu
467.7750 S D072 Danvers Target Ch.02 WQDF547 2007.11.24 wb1hbu
467.9250 S D155 Danvers Target Ch.03 WQDF547 2007.11.24 wb1hbu
467.9000 S D205 Danvers Target Ch.04 WQDF547 2024.12.14 MASSBUSMARK
461.0875 S 131.8 Danvers Total Wine 2020.08.07 Scannermaster
464.5500 S D174 Danvers Unknown Store 2020.08.07 Scannermaster
464.5500 S 100.0 Danvers Unknown Store 2024.12.14 MASSBUSMARK
467.8125 S 82.5 Danvers Unknown Store 2024.12.14 MASSBUSMARK
467.8750 S D612 Danvers Unknown Store 2024.12.14 MASSBUSMARK


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
464.0750 R 103.5 Dartmouth Security Allied Security (Contract) 2024.11.29 W1KNE
463.2750 S 103.5 Dartmouth Maintenance 2012.03.29 KB1UAM
467.8750 S 71.9 Dartmouth American Eagle 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.9000 S D632 Dartmouth Bath & Body Works 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.8500 S D351 Dartmouth Burlington 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.8500 S D712 Dartmouth The Children's Place 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.8500 S 67.0 Dartmouth Macy's 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.9250 S D743 Dartmouth Victoria's Secret 2019.12.15 W1KNE
467.8500 S 79.7 Dartmouth Unknown Store - Books Made 2019.12.15 W1KNE
467.8750 S 186.2 Dartmouth Foot Wear Store (Footlocker?) 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.9250 S 67.0 Dartmouth Unknown Store 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.2250 S D365 Dartmouth JC Penney WQFB730 2024.11.29 W1KNE
466.9625 S Dartmouth JC Penney WQFB730
461.8375 S Dartmouth JC Penney WQFB730
461.7125 S Dartmouth JC Penney WQFB730
461.5875 S Dartmouth JC Penney WQFB730
466.2625 S Dartmouth JC Penney WPIY509
466.9625 S Dartmouth JC Penney WPIY509
  • Dartmouth Commons
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8750 S 94.8 Dartmouth Dick's 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.8500 S D306 Dartmouth Target Security 2024.11.29 W1KNE
  • Towne Center
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9250 S D506 Dartmouth Best Buy 2024.11.29 W1KNE
  • Dartmouth Miscellaneous
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
154.5700 S 67.0 Dartmouth Wal-Mart 2023.02.06 W1KNE
464.5000 S 67.0 Dartmouth Unknown Store 2019.12.15 W1KNE
467.8500 S 85.4 Dartmouth Unknown Store 2019.12.15 W1KNE
467.8500 S D654 Dartmouth "Seasonals" 2019.12.15 W1KNE
467.8750 S 225.7 Dartmouth Heard in Mall area 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.8750 S D072 Dartmouth Heard in Mall area 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.9250 S 67.0 Dartmouth Heard in Mall area 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.9250 S 114.8 Dartmouth Unknown Restaurant 2019.12.15 W1KNE


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
463.8500 R 110.9 Dedham Mall Security - Maintenance 2018.11.05 W1KNE
  • Legacy Place

  • 2023.07.05 - Security/Maintenance not heard on the repeaters in a few years now. Likely have switched to commercial LTE PTT. - W1KNE
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
464.3875 R D365 Dedham Legacy Place - Security (S)/Maintenance (M) Primary WQKS311 2019.06.27 W1KNE
461.6125 R D365 Dedham Legacy Place - Security (S)/Maintenance (M) Secondary
(Used mainly by Maintenance)
WQKS311 2017.01.20 W1KNE
464.5500 S 67.0 Dedham LL Bean Ch.01 2023.07.05 W1KNE
467.9250 S 67.0 Dedham LL Bean Ch.02 2020.12.19 W1KNE
467.8500 S 67.0 Dedham LL Bean (UnknownChannel). 2014.11.28 W1KNE
467.9250 S D412 Dedham Sephora 2024.03.01 W1KNE
464.5000 S D346 Dedham King's Dedham Ops 2014.11.28 W1KNE
467.8500 S 77.0 Dedham Showcase Cinemas Deluxe 2024.03.01 W1KNE
467.9000 S 71.9 Dedham Apple Store 2017.11.24 W1KNE
154.5700 S 74.4 Dedham GAP 2020.12.19 W1KNE
467.8750 S 67.0 Dedham Unknown Restaurant 2009.11.15 ECPS92
467.8750 S D343 Dedham The Paper Store 2019.06.27 W1KNE
467.9250 S 88.5 Dedham J.Crew 2023.07.05 W1KNE
467.8750 S 192.8 Dedham Anthropolgie 2024.03.15 W1KNE
467.9000 S D632 Dedham Bath and Body Works 2023.07.05 W1KNE
467.9000 S 67.0 Dedham Unknown Store 2009.11.15 ECPS92
467.9250 S 67.0 Dedham Unknown Restaurant w/ Take Out 2011.01.29 ECPS92
467.9000 S 118.8 Dedham Unknown Store 2009.11.15 ECPS92
467.9250 S 218.1 Dedham Unknown Store 2009.11.15 ECPS92
469.5000 S 118.8 Dedham Unknown Store 2009.11.15 ECPS92
464.5500 S 77.0 Dedham Restaurant - Possibly Yard House 2023.07.05 W1KNE
461.3625 S 100.0 Dedham Unknown 2023.07.05 W1KNE
  • Dedham Miscellaneous
  • 820 Providence Highway
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9000 S D743 Dedham BestBuy 2021.10.23 W1KNE
  • RK Plaza
    • 460 Boston-Providence Hwy (Former Route 1)
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9000 S 225.7 Dedham Staples 2021.10.23 W1KNE

Dorchester (Boston)

Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
464.3000 S 210.7 Dorchester First Security 2007.11 ecps92
467.9250 S D506 Dorchester Best Buy Ch.01 WQFU432 2007.11.28 ecps92
467.7625 S D423 Dorchester Home Depot 2007.12.11 ecps92
467.7625 S D065 Dorchester Home Depot Ch.01 2009.04.30 ecps92
467.8500 S D331 Dorchester Home Depot Ch.02 2010.04.21 ecps92
467.9250 S 94.8 Dorchester Office Max 2011.12.22 wb1hbu
467.8500 S D047 Dorchester Old Navy 2007.11.28 ecps92
467.5125 S D115 Dorchester Target Ch.01 - Ops and Automated Paging WQCD889 2007.11.28 ecps92
467.9000 S D205 Dorchester Target Ch.04 2010.04.18 ecps92
467.4875 S Dorchester Target WQCD889 2007.11 ecps92
467.4625 S Dorchester Target WQCD889 2007.11 ecps92
467.1875 S Dorchester Target WQCD889 2007.11 ecps92
462.4625 S Dorchester Target WQCD889 2007.11 ecps92
462.1875 S Dorchester Target WQCD889 2007.11 ecps92
461.2000 R Dorchester Target WQAM786 2007.11 ecps92
461.4875 R D165 Dorchester Ch.01 Target - Automated Services Announcements WQCD889 2019.05.24 ecps92
461.7625 R D261 Dorchester Ch.02 Target WQCD889 2016.09.17 wb1hbu
462.3125 S D155 Dorchester Ch.03 Target WQCD889 2011.12.22 wb1hby
462.4125 S D205 Dorchester Ch.04 Target - Talk-around WQCD889 2011.12.22 wb1hbu
467.4125 S D306 Dorchester Ch.0? Target - Loss Prevention WQCD889 2011.12.22 wb1hbu
151.6250 S D023 Dorchester Unknown Store - Security 2007.11 ecps92
154.6000 S 74.4 Dorchester Unknown Store - Security 2007.11 ecps92
464.5500 S 186.2 Dorchester Unknown Store - Security 2007.11 ecps92
464.5500 S 162.2 Dorchester Unknown Store - Security 2007.11 ecps92
467.8750 S D023 Dorchester Unknown Store 2007.12.11 ecps92
467.9000 S 74.4 Dorchester Unknown Store 2007.11.27 ecps92


  • Highlands Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.7500 S D115 Easton Target - F1 - General store operations -align="center" 2021.03.05 W1KNE
467.9000 S D205 Easton Target - F4 - Inventory/Stocking -align="center" 2021.03.05 W1KNE


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9250 S D506 Everett Best Buy Ch.01 WQFU432 2007.11.23 ecps92
467.7625 S 162.2 Everett Home Depot 2007.11.30 ecps92
467.9250 S 67.0 Everett Office Max 2007.11.30 ecps92
467.8500 S D047 Everett Old Navy WQDT739 2007.11.23 ecps92
467.7500 S D115 Everett Target Ch.01 - Ops and Automated Paging WQDF547 2020.01.27 ecps92
467.7750 S D072 Everett Target Ch.02 - ?? WQDF547 2007.11.30 ecps92
467.9250 S D155 Everett Target Ch.03 - Talk Around WQDF547 2007.11.30 ecps92
467.9000 S D205 Everett Target Ch.04 WQDF547 2007.12.11 wb1hbu
467.9250 S 88.5 Everett Unknown Store 2018.08.08 ecps92
467.8500 S 67.0 Everett Unknown Store 2008.05.22 ecps92

Fall River

  • Crossroads at 24
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
154.5700 S CSQ Fall River Wal-Mart 2019.02.22 W1KNE
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S 67.0 Fall River Ulta Beauty 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.9000 S 225.7 Fall River Staples 2024.11.29 W1KNE
467.8750 S 100.0 Fall River TJ Maxx 2024.11.29 W1KNE
464.5000 S 162.2 Fall River Pet Smart 2019.12.29 W1KNE
  • Fall River Shopping Center
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S D351 Fall River Burlington Coat Factory 2019.12.15 W1KNE
467.8750 S D411 Fall River Harbor Freight Tools 2024.11.29 W1KNE
  • Fall River - Canning Blvd
  • Canning Blvd Stores Area.
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8750 S D612 Fall River Aldi Supermarket 2024.11.29 W1KNE


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S D532 Falmouth Michaels-Automated Assistance 2024.05.05 jeffkett
469.4875 S 210.7 Falmouth Home Goods 2024.05.05 jeffkett
467.8750 S 100.0 Falmouth T.J.Maxx 2024.05.05 jeffkett
467.9000 S 225.7 Falmouth Staples 2024.12.09 jeffkett
467.9250 S D627 Falmouth Kappy's Fine Wine & Spirits WSAP572 2024.05.05 jeffkett


  • Patriot Place
  • Also see the Gillette Stadium page.
  • Patriot Place is an outdoor mall complex immediately adjacent to Gillette Stadium. It is owned and operated by The Kraft Group which also owns and operates Gillette Stadium. Staff are frequently shared across the entire Complex.
  • Bass Pro Shops is likely using a newer IoT radio system. No traffic heard on the below frequencies there in October 2021 (W1KNE).
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Trunked T TG:32 Foxboro Patriot Place Security operates on the Gillette Stadium trunk See Trunk for confirmation
462.3500 S 114.8 Foxboro Patriot Place Security WPXL674 2007.11.25 ecps92
451.4625 S D051 Foxboro Bass Pro Shops Ch.01 WPTY936 2010.11.22 ecps92
451.5875 S D051 Foxboro Bass Pro Shops Ch.02 WPTY936 2008.11.30 ecps92
451.7625 S D051 Foxboro Bass Pro Shops Ch.03 WPTY936 2015.12.10 ecps92 and friends
452.0875 S D051 Foxboro Bass Pro Shops Ch.03 WPTY936 2008.11.30 ecps92
452.1875 S D073 Foxboro Bass Pro Shops Ch.05 WPTY936 2008.11.30 ecps92
452.4875 S D073 Foxboro Bass Pro Shops Ch.06 WPTY936 2008.11.30 ecps92
456.5875 S D116 Foxboro Bass Pro Shops Ch.08 WPTY936 2010.11.22 ecps92
457.1875 S D156 Foxboro Bass Pro Shops Ch.xx WPTY936 2008.11.30 ecps92
461.3125 S 67.0 Foxboro Olive Garden 2015.12.10 ecps92 and friends
467.9250 S D743 Foxboro Victoria Secret 2012.04.29 ecps92
461.1375 S 103.5 Foxboro Unknown Store 2012.01.22 ecps92
464.5500 S 67.0 Foxboro Unknown Restaurant - possibly Red Robin 2011.11.26 ecps92
467.8750 S D074 Foxboro Unknown Store 2008.10.26 ecps92
467.9000 S 118.8 Foxboro Unknown Store 2010.11.22 ecps92
467.9250 S 67.0 Foxboro Unknown Restaurant 2012.04.29 ecps92
467.9250 S D754 Foxboro Unknown Store 2008.11.30 ecps92
  • Miscellaneous
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S 67.0 Foxboro 99 Restaurant, Route 140 2022.08.03 W1KNE


  • 400 Cochituate Road
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.5125 S D115 Framingham Target Ch.01 2012.11.28 ecps92
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
154.6000 S 71.9 Franklin BJ's 2008.03.02 ecps92


  • Gardner Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9000 S 225.7 Gardner Staples 2021.05.24 W1KNE
  • Miscellaneous
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
462.5875 S 118.8 South Gardner Gardner Agway FRS 2021.05.24 W1KNE

Great Barrington

  • Barrington Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S 141.3 Gt. Barrington Price Chopper 2020.09.20 W1KNE
  • Big Y Center
  • Former Fairgrounds Shopping Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9000 S 225.7 Great Barrington Staples 2019.06.09 W1KNE
  • Agway (Maple Ave.)
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9250 S 67.0 Great Barrington Agway 2019.06.09 W1KNE
  • Main Street/Downtown
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
462.1250 S 69.3 Unknown Take Out dinner with curb-side pickup 2021.03.07 W1KNE


  • Route 2 West (Rotary area)
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9000 S 225.7 Greenfield Staples 2019.11.25 W1KNE
467.8750 S D413 Greenfield Home Depot Automated Voice 2019.11.25 W1KNE
467.8375 S D263 Greenfield Home Depot Service Desk 2019.11.25 W1KNE


  • Wal-Mart - 295 Plymouth St (Rte 106)
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
154.5700 S CSQ Halifax Wal-Mart 2020.11.08 W1KNE


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
461.8125 S D155 Hadley Security WQPU919 2024.09.23 W1KNE
467.8750 S 94.8 Hadley Dick's Sporting Goods 2024.09.23 W1KNE
467.7500 S D115 Hadley Target Ch 1 2024.09.23 W1KNE
467.7750 S D072 Hadley Target Ch 2 2024.09.23 W1KNE
467.2250 S Hadley JC Penney WQFC809
466.9625 S Hadley JC Penney WQFC809
461.8375 S Hadley JC Penney WQFC809
461.7125 S Hadley JC Penney WQFC809
461.5875 S Hadley JC Penney WQFC809
461.3625 S 100.0 Hadley Unknown Store 2024.09.23 W1KNE
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8750 S 100.0 Hadley Marshall's 2024.09.23 W1KNE


  • Hanover Mall demolished in 2020 and redeveloped as "Hanover Crossing"
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
462.0875 R D606 Hanover Mall Security WQXC365 2019.08.18 ecps92
464.0375 R Hanover WQXC365
483.6250 R 203.5 Hanover Mall Security tie to PD 2007.11 ecps92
467.8750 S 94.8 Hanover Dick's 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.7500 S 110.9 Hanover Macys Security KD31621 (Expired) 2002 ecps92 and Jeffk
467.9250 S D412 Hanover Sephora 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.9250 S 88.5 Hanover 2024.11.29 ecps92
  • Washington Street
  • Stores in various plazas around the former Mall
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.7500 S D115 Hanover Target Ch.01 2023.11.24 ecps892
467.7750 S D072 Hanover Target Ch.02 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.9000 S D205 Hanover Target Ch.04 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.9000 S D731 Hanover Jo Ann Fabric 2019.08.18 ecps92
464.5000 S 103.5 Hanover Unknown Store 2019.08.18 ecps92
467.8500 S 67.0 Hanover Unknown Store 2019.08.18 ecps92
467.9250 S 67.0 Hanover Unknown Store 2023.11.17 ecps92


  • Haverhill Commons
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9250 S D155 Haverhill Target - Ch.03 Talkaround 2021.07.05 ecps92


  • Derby Street Shoppes

Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
468.6625 S D632 Hingham Barnes and Noble 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.8500 S 79.7 Hingham Crate and Barrel 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.8500 S D023 Hingham Khols 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.9250 S D412 Hingham Sephora 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.9250 S 88.5 Hingham Talbots 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.8500 S D047 Hingham Williams Sonoma 2019.12.21 ecps92
154.5700 S 74.4 Hingham Unknown Clothing Store 2014.03.15 ecps92
464.5500 S 67.0 Hingham Unknown Store 2014.03.15 ecps92
464.5500 S 71.9 Hingham Unknown Store 2011.08.14 ecps92
466.1875 S D506 Hingham Not Hollister 2011.08.14 ecps92
467.8500 S D351 Hingham Unknown Store 2024.08.10 ecps92
467.8750 S 71.9 Hingham Unknown Clothing 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.8750 S 192.8 Hingham Unknown Clothing 2024.11.29 ecps92
467.8750 S D364 Hingham Unknown Store 2019.08.10 ecps92
467.9000 S D261 Hingham Unknown Store 2021.08.28 ecps92
467.9250 S D743 Hingham Unknown Store 2019.12.21 ecps92
468.3625 S D311 Hingham Unknown Store 2021.08.28 ecps92
  • The Launch at the Hingham Shipyard

Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S D047 Hingham Old Navy 2011.12.17 ecps92
464.5000 S 103.5 Hingham Patriot Cinemas 2010.11.22 ecps92
464.5500 S 67.0 Hingham Unknown Store or Rest. 2011.12.17 ecps92
469.5000 S D503 Hingham Unknown Store 2010.11.15 ecps92


Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
462.4875 R D606 Holyoke Mall Security WQPF881 2024.03.11 W1KNE
462.5125 R D606 Holyoke Mall Maintenance - Housekeeping (Frequently in Spanish) WQPF881 2024.03.11 W1KNE
467.9250 S D506 Holyoke Best Buy 2023.02.13 W1KNE
467.9250 S D412 Holyoke Sephora 2023.02.13 W1KNE
467.7500 S D115 Holyoke Target 2023.02.13 W1KNE
467.9000 S D205 Holyoke Target 2023.02.13 W1KNE
467.7750 S D072 Holyoke Target 2022.04.17 W1KNE
467.9250 S D743 Holyoke Victoria's Secret 2022.04.17 W1KNE
467.2250 S Holyoke JC Penney WQFC809 2023.02.13 W1KNE
466.9625 S Holyoke JC Penney WQFC809
461.8375 S Holyoke JC Penney WQFC809
461.7125 S Holyoke JC Penney WQFC809
461.5875 S Holyoke JC Penney WQFC809

Hyannis (Barnstable)

Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
462.4500 R C09 Hyannis TG:100 - Mall Security WPRK667 2021.09.05 Scott
462.4500 R C09 Hyannis TG:200 - Mall Maintenance WPRK667 2024.01.31 jeffkett
464.5500 S 67.0 Hyannis American Eagle 2008.12.23 jeffkett
467.9250 S D506 Hyannis Best Buy Ch.01 WQFU432 2022.07.22 jeffkett
466.1875 S D506 Hyannis Hollister 2007.11 jeffkett
461.1750 S 123.0 Hyannis Macys - Security 2007.11 jeffkett
462.0125 S D023 Hyannis Macys Womens Store, formerly Filenes 2007.11 jeffkett
462.5500 S CSQ Hyannis Macys Womens Store, formerly Filenes Mgrs. 2008.12.23 jeffkett
462.6625 S 173.8 Hyannis Macys - Management 2007.11 jeffkett
467.8750 S 94.8 Hyannis Dick's Sporting Goods 2024.08.04 jeffkett
467.8750 S 100.0 Hyannis Marshall's 2022.01.25 jeffkett
464.8250 S 100.0 Hyannis Regal Cinemas 2019.11.23 jeffkett
467.9250 S D412 Hyannis Sephora 2019.12.21 jeffkett
467.7500 S D115 Hyannis Target Ch.01 WQDF547 2024.06.26 jeffkett
467.7750 S D072 Hyannis Target Ch.02 2021.04.16 jeffkett
467.9250 S D155 Hyannis Target Ch.03 2020.11.17 jeffkett
467.9000 S D205 Hyannis Target Ch.04 2024.08.04 jeffkett
467.9250 S D743 Hyannis Victoria's Secret WPYX853 2022.07.22 jeffkett
  • Capetown Plaza
  • Former K-Mart plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.8500 S D047 Hyannis Old Navy WQDT739 2015.05.01 jeffkett
  • Hyannis Miscellaneous
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
462.9125 S 94.8 Hyannis Olive Garden 2022.07.22 jeffkett
464.5000 S 162.2 Hyannis Pet Smart 2020.12.10 jeffkett
467.9250 S 67.0 Hyannis B J's 2015.05.01 jeffkett
469.4875 S D413 Hyannis B J's 2024.05.24 jeffkett
467.8125 S 67.0 Hyannis Eastern Mtn Sports 2007.12 jeffkett
467.8500 S 67.0 Hyannis Unknown 2021.04.15 jeffkett
467.8750 S 67.0 Hyannis Unknown 2024.08.04 jeffkett
467.8750 S D411 Hyannis Harbor Freight Tools WQOU225 2022.07.22 jeffkett
469.4875 S 210.7 Hyannis Home Goods Automated Voice Assist 2024.03.16 jeffkett
467.9000 S D731 Hyannis JoAnn Fabric 2021.06.06 jeffkett
467.8500 S D532 Hyannis Michaels 2015.05.01 ecps92
467.9250 S D627 Hyannis Kappy's Fine Wine & Spirits WSAP206 2024 05.03 jeffkett
  • South Wind Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.7625 S D065 Hyannis Home Depot Ch.01 Automated Voice 2020.12.10 jeffkett
467.8500 S D331 Hyannis Home Depot Ch.02 Automated Voice 2020.12.10 jeffkett
467.8750 S D413 Hyannis Home Depot Ch.03 Automated Voice 2021.02.20 jeffkett
467.8375 S D263 Hyannis Home Depot Ch.04 Service Desk 2020.12.10 jefffkett
467.8750 S 67.0 Hyannis Kohls 2015.05.01 jeffkett
  • T.J. Maxx Plaza
Frequency Type Tone Location Remarks FCC Call Sign Confirmation/Reconfirmation
467.9000 S 225.7 Hyannis Staples 2022.07.22 jeffkett
467.8500 S 100.0 Hyannis T J Maxx 2019.12.21 jeffkett