Hartford County CT Police Departments

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Countywide Information


  • RAFS is the Hartford area intercity channel. RAFS stands for Regional Access Frequency System.
  • Towns near Massachusetts also have WMLEC, the Springfield area intercity channel.
  • All CT PSAPS have a control station with CSP TRS SPAN talkgroup and ITAC/ICALL channels.
  • All police dispatch centers have the Police Hotline, 45.8600 pl 136.5 simplex (Northern CT PL)
INTEROP CHANNEL Frequency Type Tone NOTES Confirmation/ReConfirmations
RAFS UHF 1 (U1) 460.0750 R 114.8 Hartford Area See Interagency page for confirmation
RAFS UHF 2 (U2) 460.1750 R 114.8 Hartford Area See Interagency page for confirmation
RAFS 800 2 (800-2) 854.9125 R 114.8 Hartford Area See Interagency page for confirmation
RAFS 800 1 (800-1) 857.4125 R 114.8 Hartford Area See Interagency page for confirmation
CSPERN (CS) 858.2625 R 156.7 Connecticut State Police Emergency Radio Network See Interagency page for confirmation
WMLEC (WM) 460.2250 R 206.5 Western Mass. Law Enforcement Council (Springfield MA Area) See WMLEC for confirmations.
HARTFORD Hot Line 45.8600 S 136.5 Statewide, this is the Hartford area PL See Interagency page for confirmation

Department Frequency Information

Town Name Frequency Type Tone/TG Interop Notes/Comments Confirmation/ReConfirmations
Avon 453.0500 R 114.8 Operations 2024.03.31 W1KNE
Berlin 854.9875 R N700 Operations 2023.10.12 Alarmroom
Berlin 854.6125 R N705 Tac 1 2023.10.12 Alarmroom
Berlin 854.7125 S D071 Tac 2 2015.03.30 Alarmroom
Bloomfield CLMRN Trunked T Multiple All PD operations are on CLMRN See CLMRN for confirmation
Bloomfield 460.0500 R 123.0 U1, U2, CS Ch.01 Operations (No longer used, may be backup - 09/2020) 2020.02.22 W1KNE
Bloomfield 460.4625 R 127.3 U1, U2, CS Ch.02
Bristol Bristol TRS T TG:17101 800-1,800-2, CS Operations (Encrypted) See TRS for confirmation.
Burlington CLMRN Trunked T TG:501 CSP Troop L See CLMRN for confirmation
Burlington 154.725 R 206.5 Constables 2021.05.08 cg
Canton 453.7000 R 156.7 U1, U2, CS Operations 2023.06.26 W1KNE
East Granby CLMRN Trunked T TG:351 CSP Troop H See CLMRN for confirmation.
East Granby 154.0400 S 91.5 U1, U2 Constables (and DPW) 2021.05.08 cg
East Hartford 460.2500 R 94.8 U1, U2, CS Ch.01 Dispatch 2023.02.25 W1KNE
East Hartford 453.9500 R 100.0 U1, U2, CS Ch.02 2023.06.26 W1KNE
East Hartford 460.0125 S 114.8 U1, U2, CS Ch.05
East Windsor East Windsor LTR T TG:1-04-061 U1, U2, WM, CS Operations See TRS for confirmation.
East Windsor 464.4500 R N047 U1, U2, WM, CS Police, Conventional, Testing 2024.03.31 W1KNE
Enfield 460.5500 R NE49 U1, U2, WM, CS Ch.01 Operations 2024.03.31 W1KNE
Enfield 460.2000 R NE50 U1, U2, WM, CS Ch.02 Secondary 2023.10.12 Alarmroom
Enfield 460.6125 R 131.8 Townwide Interop
Farmington 855.2375 R 151.4 800-1,800-2, CS Ch.01 Operations 2023.02.25 W1KNE
Farmington 851.7750 R 151.4 800-1,800-2, CS Ch.02 Tactical
Glastonbury 856.9625 R N868 800-1,800-2, CS Ch.01 Operations 2023.06.26 W1KNE
Glastonbury 856.7625 R N869 800-1,800-2, CS Ch.02 2023.10.12 Alarmroom
Granby 460.5250 R 114.8 U1, U2, WM, CS Operations 2022.05.08
Hartford Hartford TRS T Multiple 800-1,800-2, CS Operations See TRS for confirmation.
Hartland CSP Trunked T TG:51 CSP Troop B 2019.10.07 cg
Manchester 460.1250 R N510 Channel 1 (Full time Encryption) 2024.03.31 W1KNE
Manchester 460.4000 R N322 Channel 2 (Full time Encryption) 2023.10.12 Alarmroom
Manchester 453.9750 R N430 Detectives (Full time Encryption) 2017.03.22 Alarmroom
Marlborough 154.8000 S 167.9 Constables
New Britain CLMRN Trunked T Multiple TGs 800-1,800-2, CS Operations are on CLMRN (All Encrypted) See CLMRN for confirmation.
Newington Newington TRS T TG:0-03-051 U1, U2, CS Operations See TRS for confirmation.
Plainville 155.5950 R N110 Ch.01 Operations 2023.04.09 W1KNE
Plainville 159.0300 R N110 U1, U2, CS Ch.01 Operations 2021.05.08 cg
Plainville 154.7550 R N746 U1, U2, CS Ch.02 2023.10.12 Alarmroom
Rocky Hill 453.9250 R N974 U1, U2, CS Ch.01 Operations 2023.04.09 W1KNE
Rocky Hill 451.1250 R N175 U1, U2, CS Ch.02 2023.10.12 Alarmroom
Simsbury 453.7500 R N128 U1, U2, CS Operations 2023.06.26 W1KNE
Simsbury 453.7500 R 118.8 U1, U2, CS old Operations 2022.02.22 cg
South Windsor 453.7750 R N132 800-1,800-2, CS Operations (Encrypted) 2022.04.17 W1KNE
South Windsor 453.6500 S N132 800-1,800-2, CS Tactical 2023.10.12 Alarmroom
Southington 155.2500 R N131 U1, U2, CS Operations 2023.04.09 W1KNE
Southington 151.1750 R N131 U1, U2, CS Tactical 2023.10.12 Alarmroom
Southington 151.4750 R N131 U1, U2, CS Detectives 2023.10.12 AlarmRoom
Suffield 155.7300 R N306 U1, U2, WM, CS Operations (mix P25/analog) 2021.04.04 W1KNE
Suffield 155.7300 R D306 U1, U2, WM, CS Operations (mix P25/analog) 2023.04.09 W1KNE
West Hartford W Hartford P25 TRS T TG:1001 800-1,800-2, CS Operations See TRS for confirmation.
West Hartford 858.0875 R 114.8 Police Backup 2019.08.06 alarmroom
West Hartford 858.0875 R N155 Car-to-Car operations 2019.08.06 alarmroom
West Hartford 854.4625 R 186.2 Townwide 2019.08.06 alarmroom
Wethersfield Wethersfield TRS T TG:101 800-1,800-2, CS Operations See TRS for confirmation.
Wethersfield 852.4500 R 156.7 Police Backup 2019.08.06 alarmroom
Windsor Municipal (P25) Trunk T TG:100 800-1,800-2, CS Dispatch See TRS for confirmation.
Windsor 454.36875 R 131.8 U1, U2, CS offline 2020.10.06 cg
Windsor Locks 155.6100 R 179.9 U1, U2, WM, CS Operations 2024.03.31 W1KNE