Grafton County Police Departments

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General Information

  • Grafton County Sheriff's Office (GCSO) opperates multiple repeaters all having an output on 154.770, but having different NAC's to each.
  • GCSO now opperates in APCO 25 Digital mode. All their primary repeaters (Cannon Mt, Tenney Mt, Moose Mt) still have analog technology as well with a PL of 136.5. Rarely you will hear units using analog if they are in a P25 "dead" spot. GCSO also operates on another repeater frequency (output 158.835). This is a Motorola Quantar Repeater located on Mt. Agassiz in Bethlehem. It is capable of P25 and analog transmissions. However 99% of radio traffic on this channel is Analog. The Alpha Tag for this channel is: "Grafton-North". Franconia, Sugar Hill, and Bethlehem PD share this channel.
  • Lisbon PD is the only department that is still 100% analog on 154.980.
  • GCSO dispatches sheriff's deputies and officers of the various communities as noted in Grafton County Police Departments
  • Plymouth Police Dispatch PD's in there area using P-25 Digital, an example of an ID would be Plymouth Police Chief = 15-01 "Fifteen Oh One"
  • Grafton County Sheriff's Office (GCSO) also dispatches many of the town PD's in Grafton County. GCSO dispatches entirely APCO 25 Digital except for Lisbon Police Department. They still operate using Analog communications. GCSO repeater system can still be used in Analog mode in the event P25 problems.

County Frequency Information

Dispatch Centers / Repeaters Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
GSCO Headquarters 154.7700 R N117 Repeaters in Haverhill, Plymouth and Waterville Valley 2024.09.29 GraniteScanner
Bethlehem 158.8350 R 179.9 GCSO North - Dual Mode 2014.07.12 ecps92
Bethlehem 158.8350 R N727 GCSO North - Dual Mode 2022.08.16 W1KNE
Plymouth 154.7550 R N417 South RCC 2022.08.16 W1KNE
Plymouth 154.7550 R 156.7 South RCC
Littleton 155.3100 R N217 North RCC 2019.07.07 ecps92
Lebanon 155.7075 NAC ??? West RCC
Multiple Locations 453.0250 R Data Mobile Data Terminals
Multiple Locations 453.0500 R Data Mobile Data Terminals
Multiple Locations 460.1750 R Data Mobile Data Terminals 2019.07.07 ecps92

Towns Patrolled by NHSP


Towns Dispatched on GCSO frequencies above

Department Frequency Unit ID's Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Alexandria 154.7700 Alexandria-xx
Bath 154.7700 Bath-xx
Bethlehem 158.8350 Bethlehem-xx
Bethlehem 158.8350 Bethlehem-xx
Franconia 158.8350 Franconia-xx
Grafton 154.7700 Grafton-xx
Groton 154.7700
Monroe 154.7700
Orford 154.7700 700-X
Orange 154.7700
Piermont 154.7700 800-X
Sugar Hill 154.7700 Sugar Hill-xx
Thornton 154.7700 Thornton-xx
Waterville Valley 154.7700 38-X and Waterville-xx
Wentworth 154.7700 Wentworth-xx

Towns Dispatched by Plymouth

Department Frequency Information

Department Unit ID's Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Ashland Ashland-xx
Bridgewater 19-XX
Campton Campton-xx
Hebron Hebron-xx
Holderness Holderness-xx
Plymouth Plymouth-xx
Rumney Rumney-xx
Thornton Thornton-xx
Warren Warren-xx

Towns with local frequencies or self dispatch

Department Frequency Type Tone Unit ID's Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmation
Alexandria 154.4075 R N88A DB: Franklin 2019.10.21 ecps92
Bristol 154.7850 R N527 "Bristol-x" DB: Self 2024.07.28 GraniteScanner (SNE Submitter)
Bristol 154.4075 R N88A Talkaround? 2024.06.09 n1zyy (SNE Submitter)
Bristol 154.3775 R N417 2024.06.09 n1zyy (SNE Submitter)
Canaan 155.5950 S 141.3 DB:UVRDC 2021.04.28 ErrolW
Enfield 155.5950 S 141.3 DB: UVRDC 2021.04.28 ErrolW
Hanover 155.5950 S 141.3 DB: Self 2022.10.16 W1KNE
Hanover 155.5950 S N517 DB:Self 2014.08.20 Alarmroom
Haverhill 155.0400 R N117 Haverhill-xx DB: GCSO 2021.12.27 JBolduc
Lebanon 155.2500 R N517 DB: Self 2022.10.16 W1KNE
Lincoln 155.1900 R N617 L-x DB: Lincoln Base 2024.07.14 GraniteScanner
Lisbon 154.9800 R N117 Lisbon-xx DB: GCSO 2021.12.10 JBolduc
Lyme 155.5950 S 219-X DB: UVRDC 2021.04.28 ErrolW
Woodstock 155.1900 R N617 Woodstock-x DB: Lincoln Base 2020.08.02 schwab
Woodstock 155.1900 R 146.2 Woodstock-x Mixed Mode - Analog and P25 Used 2020.08.02 schwab