Connecticut DEP

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Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

  • DEEP now has a series of talkgroups on the CT State Police 800MHz TRS.
  • This four (4) channel low band system can be used by all DEEP Environmental Conservation staff. The most frequent users are the State Environmental Conservation Police (EnCon, formerly Conservation Officers) and the State Parks.
  • A number of vehicles used by State agencies are equipped with DEEP radios for emergency use. Typically they are vehicles leased from the Department of Administrative Services. Use of the radios by non-DEEP staff has continually dropped to virtually nothing now that everyone has a cell phone.
  • DEEP EC Emergency Dispatch (CO) is located at DEEP Headquarters in Hartford, CT.
  • To report violations to DEEP (hunting, fishing, or any illegal/suspicious activity on State land, call:
    (860) 424-3333
  • DEEP Website

DEEP System Frequencies

Channel Frequency Type Tone Description Confirmation/Reconfirmation
1 44.6800 114.8 Parks, Forestry, Haz-Mat, K9, Eastern District EnCon Police
2 44.7200 114.8 Haz-Mat Alternate, EnCon as necessary (little activity)
3 44.7600 114.8 Shoreline Parks, Marine District EnCon Police
4 44.9200 114.8 Western District EnCon Police & Lake Authorities
5 151.3550 Varies NEW On scene channel, Shoreline Parks, Marine District EnCon Police
5 151.3550 D047 Hammonasset State Park
5 151.3550 D053 Rocky Neck State Park
5 151.3550 Dxxx Sherwood Island State Park
6 171.5750 R Varies NEW Repeater operations, Shoreline Parks, Marine District EnCon Police
6 171.5750 R D754 Hammonassett Park State Park 2012.07.04
6 171.5750 R D311 Sherwood Island State Park
6 171.5750 R D053 Rocky Neck State Park
7 172.2750 S 114.8/CSQ EnCon Police Portables/Mobile Extender 2012.07.04
  • Do not use a PL in your scanner for the extender frequency or you will only hear the portables.
  • If you are near the coast, you may pick up NY EnCon activity from Long Island on the mobile extender frequency with a PL of 94.8

DEEP EC Unit Numbers

Number Series User
100 - 200's Park Supervisors/Possibly other administrative staff
300's Aquarion Water Company Police
600's EnCon Police
700's Seasonal Conservation Officers
800's Lake Authority Marine Patrol
900's HAZMAT/Spill Response

  • EnCon Police officers also have CSP radios in their vehicles. If necessary, they will call in to whichever Troop they are in the area of.
  • Since CSP already have their own 600 number series, EnCon officers call in as 6 + their own number (example: 631 would call in as 6631).
  • DEEP HAZMAT/Spill Response personnel have CSP portables and identify with 6 + their 900 unit number.

Connecticut Lake Authorities

  • Lake Authorities are essentially corporations formed by two or more towns which have within their territorial limits a body of state water and are authorized by CGS 7-151a.
  • Lake Patrol Officers are appointed by the Commissioner of the DEP and are authorized to carry a baton, firearm, or both upon completion of the proper training. CGS 7-151b
  • Lake Patrol Officers are supervised by the EnCon sergeant responsible for the area the lake is in.

Lake Authority Frequencies

  • Lake Authority Marine Patrol units on Lake Housatonic and Candlewood Lake contact DEEP Dispatch on DEEP Ch. 4
  • Marine Patrol Units are typically only active during the recreation season (Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day).
Frequency Type Tone Authority
(Member Towns)
Marine Patrol
Enforcement District
Bantam Lake Authority
(Litchfield & Morris)
Unknown Western
Candlewood Lake Authority
(Brookfield, Danbury, New Fairfield, New Milford & Sherman)
Yes Western
Gardner Lake Authority
(Bozrah, Montville & Salem)
Yes1 Eastern
155.2950 131.8 Lake Housatonic Authority
(Derby, Oxford, Seymour and Shelton)
Yes Western
Lake Lillinonah Authority
(Bridgewater, Brookfield, New Milford, Newtown & Roxbury)
Yes1 Western
Lake Waramaug Authority
(Kent, Warren & Washington)
Yes1 Western
Local PD's
Lake Zoar Authority
(Monroe, Newtown, Oxford & Southbury)
Yes Western
Rogers Lake Authority
(Lyme & Old Lyme)
Yes1 Eastern/Marine

1: According to web sources. Assistance with confirmations would be appreciated.