Cheshire County EMS

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Cheshire County EMS

Table of contents -

Ambulance Companies also serving county

Department Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/ReConfirmations
Cheshire County EMS
Diluzio Ambulance 155.2050 S 136.5 Diluzio Company Ch.1.
Rescue Inc. 155.1600 S 136.5

EMS Reference

Department Primary Ambulance Provider Confirmation/ReConfirmations
Alstead Fire Department
Chesterfield Keene Fire-EMS
Rescue Inc
Dublin Peterborough Amb
Fitzwilliam Fire Department
Gilsum Marlow Amb
Keene Fire-EMS(Part)
Harrisville Marl-Harris Amb
Hinsdale Rescue Inc
Jaffrey Jaffrey Amb
Keene Fire-EMS
Marlborough Marl-Harris Amb
Marlow Fire Department
Nelson Keene Fire-EMS
Richmond Diluzio Amb
Rindge Jaffrey Amb
Roxbury Keene Fire-EMS
Stoddard Antrim Amb
Marlow Amb(Part)
Sullivan Keene Fire-EMS
Surry Keene Fire-EMS
Swanzey Diluzio Amb
Troy Troy Amb
North Walpole Village
Walpole Fire Dept (N.Walpole Vill)
Westmoreland Keene Fire-EMS
Winchester Fire Department