Boston Police Department

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Boston Police Department

Table of contents -

Current primary radio system

Channel Frequency Type Tone Encrypted Use Confirmation/Reconfirmations
Boston PD Ch.1 460.3500 R D315 Special Events/Training 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.2 460.4500 R D331 Downtown/Charlestown/East Boston (A1/A7/A15) 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.3 460.2250 R D343 Roxbury/Mattapan (B2/B3) 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.4 460.4000 R D346 Jamaica Plain /Hyde Park/West Roxbury/Roslindale (E5/E13/E18) 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.5 460.5000 R D351 Back Bay/South End/Allston/Brighton (D4/D14) 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.6 460.1750 R D364 South Boston/Dorchester (C6/C11) 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.7 460.3000 R D365 Car/Car 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.8 460.1250 R D371 Nova Base / CJIS-NCIC 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.9 460.0750 R D411 Detectives / Invest 1 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.10 460.2500 R D412 Command / Invest 2 2024.01.01 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.11 460.3750 R N343 Yes Detectives 2024.03.23 ecps92
Boston PD Ch.12 460.0500 R N343 Yes Special Ops / MOP 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.13 460.1500 R N343 Yes Detectives / DCU 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.14 460.2750 R D466 All City Agencies Interop 2024.04.12 ecps92
Boston PD Ch.15 460.4750 R N503 Command Encrypted 2015.09.11 N1BHH
Boston PD Ch.16 460.0250 R N506 Telecommunications Division Mostly Encrypted 2024.01.01 W1KNE
Area Wide Ch.17 470.7875 R 131.8 Area Wide 3 See BAPERN for confirmation.
Area Wide Ch.18 470.5625 R 131.8 Area Wide 4 See BAPERN for confirmation.
No. TAC Ch.19 470.4875 R 131.8 North TAC See BAPERN for confirmation.
So. TAC Ch.20 470.9125 R 131.8 South TAC See BAPERN for confirmation.
West TAC Ch.21 470.7375 R 131.8 West TAC See BAPERN for confirmation.
Cent. TAC Ch.22 470.9875 R D654 Central TAC See BAPERN for confirmation.
Boston PD Ch.24 460.4250 R N343 Yes Unknown use 2024.03.06 W1KNE/ecps92
Boston PD Ch.25 453.3500 R D532 Housing Police 2025.01.03 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.26 453.2000 R N343 Yes School Police 2024.02.09 W1KNE
Boston PD Ch.27 453.3000 R D606 Public Health Commission Police 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Ch.35 158.9100 R N343 No VHF Federal Interop 2024.11.23 KennyBlues/ecps92
Ch.36 471.0125 R 131.8 tie to Brookline PD
Ch.?? MBTA Police 470.6625 R 131.8 tie to Transit Police Ch.01 See MBTA PD section for reconfirmation.
Ch.?? VHF Paging 159.2100 S CSQ Boston PD Paging 2021.01.30 ecps92
Boston Harbor Maritime Response 154.1750 R N606 Patched VHF Boston Harbor Maritime Response Channel (MRC) with COMIRS TG:269 2022.04.27 ecps92/kennyblues
Boston Harbor Maritime Response 460.2000 R N343 Patched UHF Boston Harbor Maritime Response Channel (MRC) with COMIRS TG:269 2024.04.15 ecps92/kennyblues
Boston Police 854.5125 R 173.8 Patch from Channel 5 (Patrol District D) - (Formerly Transport Division. Ch.11) 2024.04.18 W1KNE
Boston Police 856.4125 R 173.8 Patch from Channel 2 (Patrol District A) 2025.01.04 W1KNE