Berkshire County Fire Departments

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Countywide Information

Fire District 12

  • Fire District 12 covers Berkshire County
  • Daily tone tests conducted around 6pm, provided there isn't a call in the county
  • Great Barrington tests pagers for GB/Housatonic Mondays at 5:45 PM
  • All tones are on "Dispatch", all other radio traffic is on "Response"
  • No mobile or portable radios are heard on "Dispatch", with the exception of Otis, Sandisfield, and Tolland
  • There are several county transmitter locations:
Lenox Mountain, Richmond Primary Site
Mount Wilcox, Monterey
DPW Garage, Blandford
Cory Road Fire Tower, Savoy
WUPE-FM Tower, North Adams
76 East Street, Pittsfield
East Otis Road, Tolland (This is a repeater site. Units in Otis, Sandisfield & Tolland are repeated - 2023.09.26 still in use. W1KNE)
  • Berkshire County also dispatches Middlefield (Hampshire County), and Tolland (Hampden County)
  • Egremont now has the ability to communicate on frequencies used by Columbia County NY.
Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmations
154.3100 S 107.2 Dispatch 2025.01.01 W1KNE
152.9825 S 131.8 Response Channel 2025.01.01 W1KNE
159.7575 S D413 Command 2021.03.07 W1KNE
154.1600 S 107.2 Fireground 1 (North County) 2025.01.06 Sawyer100 (SNE Submitter)
155.8050 S 107.2 Fireground 2 (South County) 2024.01.07 W1KNE
153.8825 S D343 Fireground 3 2019.08.10 W1KNE
158.8050 S 107.2 Interior Units (On Scene) 2021.03.07 W1KNE
159.6375 R 107.2 Berkshire County Repeater (Repeats 152.9825 - Unlicensed/Likely coming from Brodie Mtn.) 2024.03.11 W1KNE

Departments dispatched on above channels

  • The following towns are dispatched by Berkshire County Sheriffs or local dispatch on the above frequencies
Town Notes Confirmation
Adams 2023.03.20 W1KNE
Alford 2023.10.09 W1KNE
Becket 2020.08.16 JBolduc
Cheshire 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Clarksburg DB: North Adams 2012.06.18 W1KNE
Egremont 2025.01.01 W1KNEE
Florida 2016.07.17 W1KNE
Great Barrington DB: Gt. Barrington PD ("849") 2024.01.07 W1KNE
Hancock 2017.08.26 MrSvenSven
Lanesborough 2024.01.02 W1KNE
Lee 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Lenox 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Monterey 2024.01.07 W1KNE
New Ashford
New Marlborough 2024.01.07 W1KNE
Otis 2024.01.07 W1KNE
Peru 2017.08.27 MrSvenSven
Richmond 2020.12.25 W1KNE
Sandisfield 2024.01.07 W1KNE
Savoy 2017.08.01 MrSvenSven
Sheffield 2017.08.11 MrSvenSven
Stamford VT DB: North Adams 2021.12.21 MrSvenSven
Stockbridge 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Tyringham 2024.01.07 W1KNE
West Stockbridge 2017.08.01 MrSvenSven
Southern Berkshire Ambulance 2024.01.07 W1KNE

Departments dispatched on local channels, or with local channels

  • The following towns use either the county frequency, their own to self dispatch, or other local frequencies
Town Name Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation/Reconfirmations
Adams FG 153.8900 S 107.2 Fireground
Adams Forest 155.8875 R 107.2 Forest Wardens 2016.08.13 Alarmroom
Alford Fire 159.4500 S D023 "Alford Fire Channel". Local Non Incident Ops 2018.03.24 W1KNE
Dalton FD 153.8150 R 107.2 Self Dispatched 2025.01.06 Sawyer100 (SNE Submitter)
Hinsdale FD 155.6400 R 107.2 DB:Dalton 2025.01.06 Sawyer100 (SNE Submitter)
Hinsdale FG 154.0700 S 107.2 Local Fireground
Lanesborough FD UHF 453.5000 R 107.2 Fire UHF Crosspatch (188 Summer Street Location) 2024.03.11 W1KNE
Lanesborough FD UHF 453.9250 R 107.2 Fire UHF Crosspatch (655 Cheshire Road Location) 2024.03.11 W1KNE
Lenox Fire 154.1900 S 107.2 Local Channel 2021.12.28 W1KNE
North Adams FD 170.1500 R 107.2 Local Dispatch 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Peru FG 154.1300 S 107.2 Local Fireground
Pittsfield FD 154.3400 R 107.2 Local Dispatch/Operations (Medic Disp. too.) 2025.01.01 W1KNE
Pittsfield FG 154.2200 S 107.2 Local Fireground Operations
Savoy FG 154.2050 S 107.2 Local Fireground
Williamstown FD 154.1300 R 107.2 Local Dispatch 2025.01.06 Sawyer100 (SNE Submitter)
Windsor FD 155.7150 R 192.8 DB:Dalton (Shared with PD) See PD for confirmation.

Towns without departments.

  • The following towns have no local fire department, and are covered by nearby towns.
    • Mount Washington. Covered by Egremont and Copake, (Columbia County) NY.
    • Washington. (Covered by Becket, Dalton)