Barnstable County Fire Departments

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Countywide Information

  • Fire District 1 covers Barnstable County
  • Barnstable County Departments mostly operate on the Massachusetts State Police Motorola Type II 800 MHz Trunked System
  • To receive the listed talkgroups, ensure that you have programmed a Motorola Type II 800 MHz system and include the following frequencies as control channels: 859.2375, 859.2125, 855.5375, 854.3625

County Talkgroups/OPS Channels

Usage Talkgroup Confirmation
County Fire Network 38032 2025.01.10 ecps92
OPS-1 - Primary ops channel for fires,hazmat,etc. 38064 2025.01.10 ecps92
OPS-2 - Secondary ops channel for fires,hazmat,etc. 38000 2025.01.09 eps92
OPS-3 - Tertiary ops channel for fires,hazmat,etc. 37968 2025.01.10 ecps92
County Fire Administration 37936 2024.08.18 ecps92

Trunked Fire/EMS

Department Talkgroup Confirmation
Barnstable 37264 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Barnstable Cty EMS 37392 2021.06.27 jeffkett
Bourne 37296 2025.01.10 ecps92
Brewster 37328 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Chatham 37360 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Centerville/Osterville/Marstons Mills 37424 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Cotuit 37456 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Dennis 37488 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Eastham 37520 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Falmouth 37552 2025.01.10 ecps92
Harwich 37584 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Hyannis 37616 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Joint Base Cape Cod 37904 2025.01.10 ecps92
Mashpee 37648 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Orleans 37680 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Provincetown 37712 2025.01.10 ecps92
Sandwich 37744 2025.01.10 ecps92
Truro 37776 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Wellfleet 37808 2025.01.19 jeffkett
West Barnstable 37840 2025.01.19 jeffkett
Yarmouth 37872 2025.01.19 jeffkett

Conventional Fire/EMS

Some of the below are no longer primary operations frequencies, however many are still used for Simulcasting. Exceptions are noted.

Department and Usage Frequency Type Tone Notes Confirmation
Barnstable County Control 33.7000 S 114.8 Dispatch Simulcast with Talkgroup 38032 2023.02.10 RR Forums/ecps92
Barnstable 33.4800 S 114.8 Simulcast of Dispatch 2023.02.11 RR Forums/ecps92
Barnstable 154.3550 S 114.8 Centerville/Osterville/Marstons Mills - Zetron Station Alerting 2022.04.16 jeffkett
Barnstable 33.8400 114.8 Centerville/Osterville/Marstons Mills - Simulcast
Barnstable 453.7375 R 192.8 Centerville/Osterville/Marstons Mills - Simulcast 2024.08.04 jeffkett
Barnstable 460.6375 R 167.9 OPS-1/C-4 Simulcast of 800 MHz T/G 38064 and 38032 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Barnstable 853.2625 R 123.0 Centerville/Osterville/Marstons Mills - Simulcast 2024.04.11 jeffkett
Barnstable 33.9400 S 114.8 Hyannis FD 2016.07.09 jeffkett
Barnstable 460.6250 R 123.0 Hyannis FD - Automated Fire Dispatch/Operations 2024.08.04 jeffkett
Barnstable 853.2125 R 203.5 Hyannis FD - Primary Ops 2022.03.25 jeffkett
Barnstable 33.0400 114.8 West Barnstable 2023.02.10 RR Forums/ecps92
Barnstable 453.6750 R 173.8 West Barnstable - Simulcast 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Bourne 33.6400 S 114.8 Simulcast of Dispatch 2022.04.01 jeffkett
Brewster 33.5200 114.8
Brewster 453.5500 R 114.8 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Chatham 33.6200 S 114.8
Chatham 453.3750 R 103.5 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Cotuit 33.5600 114.8 Simulcast
Cotuit 453.3875 R 173.8 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2020.02.18 jeffkett
Dennis 33.8600 S 114.8
Dennis 453.3250 R 151.4 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Eastham 33.8200 S 114.8
Eastham 453.8000 R 114.8 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2023.08.10 jeffkett
Falmouth 33.7800 S 114.8 Simulcast of Dispatch 2024.07.18 jeffkett
Falmouth 153.8600 S 110.9 Admin/Inspections 2017.08.20 W1KNE
Harwich 33.9600 S 114.8
Harwich 460.5500 R 85.4 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2023.01.21 W1KNE
Mashpee 33.6800 S 114.8 Simulcast of Dispatch 2022.07.03 jeffkett
Orleans 33.7400 114.8
Orleans 453.1250 R 114.8 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Provincetown 33.4600 S 114.8 Simulcast of Dispatch 2023.02.10 RR Forums/ecps92
Provincetown 453.2750 R 162.2 Simulcast of Dispatch 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Provincetown 453.3125 R
Sandwich 33.6000 S 114.8 Simulcast
Sandwich 484.8250 R 186.2 UHF-T Backup/Simulcast 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Sandwich 460.4250 R 186.2 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Truro 33.6600 S 114.8 Simulcast of Dispatch 2023.02.11 RR Forums/ecps92
Wellfleet 33.5400 114.8
Wellfleet 453.1875 R 114.8 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2023.08.10 jeffkett
Yarmouth 33.5800 S 114.8 Simulcast of Dispatch 2023.02.11 RR Forums/ecps92
Yarmouth 453.1500 R 167.9 UHF Backup/Simulcast 2025.01.23 jeffkett
Yarmouth 854.9625 R 146.2 800 Conventional 2022.03.30 jeffkett